We went to the store tonight and I bought a can of Slim Fast Optima because it controls your appetite for 4 hours it says. During the day I really don't have much of an appetite, it's typically after 6pm when my appetite comes at me. I will eat dinner at 6pm but an hour later I'm hungry again and I keep wanting to eat until about 1am and that's bad. You aren't supposed to eat past a certain time, I think 8pm or something. So I needed something to help me out with that so I bought Slim Fast. Well, so I got out my slim fast shaker cup and filled it to the 8oz line with some lowfat milk then I put a scoop of slim fast in it then shook the cup. Then I looked over at my blender and thought oh I should put it in there and add some ice to it and I got a real milk shake. So I went over to the blender and it's not a big blender. It's a 1 glass blender so it doesn't make a pitcher full of drinks, just 1 glass at a time. So I went to unscrew it from the unit and when I did that I unscrewed the glass from the blade instead of the whole thing from the unit. So I sat the glass down and grabbed the blade part and tried to unscrew it and I was turning it the wrong direction and completely forgetting that I had it plugged in, I was holding the unit with my right hand and accidentally pressed the button on it and it blended my left hand. Well, thankfully it didn't do a lot of damage. All it did was it made a half round mark on the palm of my hand, it cut deep enough into my skin that I had to go to the E.R. The cut near my index finger was superficial compared to the cut near my thumb. I didn't have to wait that long and I got seen and they cleaned it up with iodine and the doctor used Dermabond to glue the cut closed instead of stitches. It doesn't hurt or anything, I just gotta be careful and not get it wet for the next 5-10 days which is how long it will be on before it falls off. I was very, very extremely lucky that it wasn't worse. I could be missing a finger.