That was so much sarcasm I just couldn't go on. It just makes me so sick that it's ok for these stars to get married at the drop of a hat just because they can yet there are people out there who have been together for 10-40 years and they can't even get married. Chip and I have been together for 15 years and his cousin and her girlfriend have been together for something like 20 or 25 years, I can't remember but it's a long time. Yet they can never get married, well in California at least.
I'm always seeing how these stars get married and they are married for a day and get annulled or the stars who are only married for a few months and their whole relationship is toast. It's so easy for them to get married just because they can. It's like they are taking what they have for granted yet I can never experience it as long as I live in California.
The one star who has really impressed me and made me like him more than ever is Brad Pitt who said that he and Angelina Jolie will not get married until ALL of the people in the US can get married. Now that is a stand up person. I liked him throughout his career but I wasn't as huge a fan until he made that statement. Then I fell head over heels.
So congrats on your 3 week relationship Khloe and I hope that your 6 week - 6 month marriage is worth the 6 digits you are going to spend on your wedding.