When I was in school Wednesday was hump day. Well now as a grown up and as an avid Sci-Fi (now SyFy) channel watcher, Wednesday is Ghost day.
Today it's not just Ghost Hunters though, from 8am to 4pm SyFy channel is airing Scariest Places on Earth. Then 4pm is Lost, 5pm is Stargate Atlantis, 6pm is Stargate SG-1 then from 7-11 is Ghost Hunters. Well, they are adding Ghost Hunters but it's mainly Ghost Hunters International.
I'm not too crazy about Scariest Places on Earth because I'm sure those are all rigged up because those people are just regular people who are spooked for no reason so they won't know if there is a real ghost or if it's string tied to a rocking chair and being pulled via remote control. Plus they are always doing these rituals where they have to call the ghosts to wake them up. Bullshit! Also the guy at the beginning who tries to scare them by telling them just how haunted the house or mansion is. Shenanigans!
I like Ghost Hunters because they don't scream (Donna) or run (Brian). They mostly stick around if something happens because they want to find it. They usually run toward the activity instead of running away from it because they want to debunk it. They have actually found speakers in this one place so they knew it was shenanigans. And they also found shenanigans on the queen mary when someone pulled the covers and paused the tape.
What am I doing sitting here blogging? I'm MISSING it!
Edit: What are the odds that I would blog about something this morning at 7:53am and it happens later in the day? I said in this post:
"They have actually found speakers in this one place so they knew it was shenanigans."
And that episode is on. I'm watching the East coast SyFyHD channel so I'm seeing it 3 hours before it really should air in CA so it's the 8pm episode called "Widows Watch". Jay and Grant just found the speaker in the ceiling of the ladies room, when you open the door there is a sensor that activates the speakers and there is also a mirror with a face behind it that illuminates when someone is near it so when you are looking at yourself you see another face over your own.
I had no idea that episode would be on when I posted that this morning lol. I must have ESPN or something.