Is that crazy or what? In my previous blog I was so upset about my battery being 1mm too big, my bike case being too big and the pump gauge not working. Then I get this.
I found a solution to the Dell DJ. I strapped it to the back with a rubber band and have it plugged it, it's charging now. I can keep the bottom piece off as long as I keep it from getting dirty so Chip bought me a neoprene case at Target today. He also bought me a helmet. I really have no excuses for riding my bike now to get exercise. The helmet looks horrible though lol. It's not that particular helmet, it's helmets in general because my face is so round and it basically shows off just how round my face is. But, I have faith that in time my round face will turn a bit more oval and I won't look as rediculous. I will have to get me a new pair of sports sunglasses so hopefully that will even my face out lol.