Monday, March 02, 2009
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
The jokes were terrible during the monologue up until when the house band The Roots started singing with the news story. That was funny and cool I guess. Then he did a little game called "Lick it for $10". Like I said that was almost a deal breaker for me, I almost left the room. It was stupid. The first contestant licked the top of a brand new never been touched so new it hasn't had time to accumulate dust Lawn Mower. The next contestant licked the glass of the scanner part of a printer. And the final contestant licked the glass of a fish bowl. And Jimmy gave each $10. Are you kidding me? Stupid. Wasn't even worth $30 if you ask me.
Robert DeNiro comes out and he barely even says a word and Jimmy is talking during the entire interview. I'm sure Mr. DeNiro is a very private person and he probably doesn't do too well in this type of setting which is why he probably ONLY does talk shows when he has to promote something like Meet the Parents or something and even then I'm not sure he would want to. He seems like a very nice person, he just doesn't seem too talkative. Which is why Jimmy wrote 1 word response questions lol.
Justin Timberlake comes on and all of a sudden the show gets way better. They are "talkin' it up" (SNL reference) and singing together and just having a fun time together. I thoroughly enjoyed that interview because Justin Timberlake is always a good time. Oh get your minds out of the gutter.
Then Van Morrison sings. I couldn't understand 1 single word that came out of his mouth. I don't want to hear 1 more Ozzy joke about how he can't speak a full sentence much less a full word. Van Morrison used to be an icon in the 60's but now he's just... not. I can see him coming on to the show as a guest to "chat" about how he had a career in the 60's but you know, beyond that... And I mean no disrespect to him but I really didn't understand him. I'm sorry.
I didn't care for this show to be perfectly honest. If this is a prediction of what the rest of the show is going to be like I'm pretty sure they are going to beg Conan O'Brien to come back real fast.
My very first sentence I said I liked Jimmy Fallon so I'm going to cut him some slack. And that's what I did lol. I was trying to be nice.
EDIT: I watched this show a couple more times since I posted this just to make sure that I wasn't just being an ass about it. You know, cause I might do a retraction saying that he was probably nervous or something and that he's doing better. I wish that were the case but unfortunately he's not. In fact he is still doing that lick it for $10 skit and it's as dumb as ever. Although he did make one guy lick another guy. All I could think was now that's what I'm talkin about. Lick something gross. Not glass or plastic. Lick another person or lick something dirty. He might get it right but the jokes still suck. Although, the jokes were very good jokes, they just weren't told by the right person. He made the jokes look very sad. Sorry Jimmy. I like you bro but you just don't make me laugh anymore. The only thing that I like about your show is the interviews and the music.
The Belgariad
He had (has) on his bookshelf these books by David Eddings, there are probably 17 books and he handed me like 5 and I was like I can't read all these lol. So, I said how about this, I'll read some of the first book tonight and we'll see how it goes lol. So that night when everyone went to bed I went in the room I was sleeping in and started reading the preface. That's as far as I got.
I didn't take his books home with me because I didn't want to have to ship them back when I was done so I just wrote down a list of all the books. I probably only needed to write down the first book or maybe emailed myself the title because the book has all of the books in the whole series in the very beginning of the book. But that's OK, I was making a gesture to my aunt and uncle that I would in fact buy the books and read them.
When I came home I did buy The Belgariad Vol. 1 with the first 3 books Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery and Magician's Gambit and The Belgariad Vol. 2 with Castle of Wizardry and Enchanters' End Game. They are 2 huge books and when I got them in the mail from I started reading Vol. 1 right away with the Preface and I think I read all of Chapter 1 of Pawn of Prophecy but the problem I had was that I kept falling asleep.
Usually when you read something and you start falling asleep it's not a good thing. Like take my blog for example. Er um eh hem I mean yeah let's not go there lol.
When I read the Hobbit I kept falling asleep. Not that it was boring or anything but it was a very confusing book with all those dwarf names and there were too many words that I'm not familiar with and I really hate having to stop reading to go look up a word lol. But I got through the Hobbit all the way to the end and I'm better for it.
I would like to give The Belgariad a 2nd chance though because I'm going to start reading it again tomorrow. I can't read in my rooms light and definitely not the living room light, it hurts my eyes too much. I'm going to just see if it works out for me while I wait for the 2nd Xanth book to arrive.