She gave me this elaborate story about how he left her when I was a month old to go to Germany in the Air Force and he never returned and she made him out to be this bad guy.
What she didn't tell me was that he was married to another woman and had an affair with my mother and she got pregnant but he broke off the relationship with her because he loved his wife and she never told him that she was pregnant so he didn't even know. However she stayed in contact with his mother, my grand mother, for years afterwards.
My mom has shown me pictures of her when I was a little kid and just told me that she was a friend of hers. When she told me the truth she told me that this woman was my grand mother. When I had my tonsils out around I think age 3 or 4, I forgot when, she bought me a Mrs. Beasley doll from the show Family Affair and my sister was so jealous because she wanted it. I didn't know who gave it to me, I just knew it was given to me.
I would definitely love to find my birth father and have some kind of relationship with him because I have this huge hole in my heart that I would love to fill. His name is Ron or Ronald Shirtliff. I am not quite sure about the spelling of the last name but that is what my Aunt Betty has told me. I have found that name a few times and contacted all of them and of course none of them agreed that they knew my mother so without a social security number I can't get any information to find him.
I'm hoping that his name will be on search engines and if he or his family members decide to do a search for him they will find my blogs and posts on message boards and contact me. Please, if you can help me reply with a comment in this blog or go to and click the email form and email me. I don't have any motives, I don't care about the affair, none of that matters. All that matters is that I find my birth father.