Monday, August 31, 2009
WidgetBucks Ads
The top one is actually for Bakersfield residents or for anyone who is curious what the current gas prices are and what the weather is like right now here. There is a referral button that people can click to add Widgetbucks to their own site and finally there are 2 more which are shopping ads.
The reason why I wanted my own domain was so that I didn't have to have ads on my site but I don't mind them if I profit from them lol. So please help me pay for my site by clicking some of them. Thanks.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
PVC Teardrop Bicycle Trailer
Tiny bicycle-towed house is self-sufficient
Ok so when I looked at the article in the Dvice website it had a link for Ecofriend so I clicked that then scrolled to the next link for TinyHouseDesign. I scrolled down that article about the same trailer until I found that this person created a PVC teardrop bicycle trailer design.
I've been thinking about this WAY too much. If I didn't read the website I would've never found this. I don't know if that's good or bad because now I'm obsessed. I don't know if it's a good obsession though lol.
I can see some practical applications with this. If you are traveling the country like Crazy James from Big Brother 9 then this can come in handy because you can just pull over wherever you are and go to bed. You don't have to set up a tent or get a motel room, just pull over, climb in and go to sleep.
The guy who went to Burning man, his trailer had solar panels so during the day it collects electricity I'm guessing into a battery and that powers the fan and it could charge your cell phone, mp3 player, keep your laptop powered up etc. He also had a built in urinal but you have to stand outside to use it. You pee into a funnel that goes into a 1 gallon water bottle. I can see a problem with that, indecency maybe? I mean especially if a cop was driving by and you were peeing into a trailer on the outside lol. All you would need is one of those urinal things that they give you in the hospital, you just sit inside the trailer, close the door, open your shorts and pee lol. But he doesn't have anything for #2 but I'm sure you could find a way.
Actually if you go to they sell camp gear and they have a toilet that you can sit on but it's a foldable chair with a hole in it with a tent and you can poop into a plastic bag then tie the bag up when you are finished and throw it in the trash. You could also dig a hole, crap in the hole then bury it lol. Also they sell these shower enclosures so you can take a private shower with a 5 gallon water bottle that you fill with the lake water then let it sit in the sun all day so you can take a warm shower.
Well I don't have a real reason for having one of these trailers but it really does look neat. I think that it would be great for a homeless person to have one of these, that is if they can't get their hands on an EDAR. I can see building one of these just in case you know? Just in case I fall under hard times and all of a sudden I'm out on the street with nowhere to go. I'd at least have a little trailer to live in. I could take it over to the bike trail where there are all those trees at Manor St. I see a homeless guy sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag. I hope it never comes to that but you never know what might happen.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Mike's Blog
It's a personal blog for the most part but I talk about what's going on in the news and in entertainment news. It's fun for me and gives me something to do so if you want to visit I welcome you.
Collapsible Bicycle Trailer
httpv:// a No Go
Then I found out that it doesn't work here in WordPress but it works on I have a blog there but I never write in there because I write in here. When I went over there to check it out I found out I could add Google AdSense ad's to the blog which means I'd get paid for page impressions (I got up to 70 page impressions and was only getting 1¢ but then they took that away lol) and I would get money for every time someone clicked on an ad.
So today I was going to spend the day copying every single blog post from this site over there. Mind you I wasn't going to delete all the posts from here, just copy them over there and keep both blogs going. The only problem is, I have 780 blog posts to copy over. That's a lot lol. I copied 20 posts last night and it nearly killed me. My back was in so much pain when I finished that little amount of work that I did.
The revenue that I thought I was going to make which would be $100 a month is just not going to happen. I've only gotten 10 clicks from the news videos and the page impressions from the Google AdSense isn't going to get me any money so screw it lol.
I'm on disability and I am struggling to pay all of my bills and I thought this was going to help me but it's not so I'm going to have to keep looking for something that I can add to this blog instead of looking for something I can add to another blog and then copy this over there lol.
Friday, August 28, 2009
DJ AM Dies
Wow I just heard the news via friend update on Facebook. DJ AM died of an alleged overdose of drugs and was found dead in his New York apartment this afternoon. Friends haven't heard from him in days and someone went to check on him and there was no answer at the door so the friend called the cops who gained entry and found him dead with some drugs nearby.
I remember hearing about him being in the plane accident with Travis Barker which was horrible that they went through that. I think that was around the time or maybe after Travis Barkers reality show. I'm so glad that they survived the crash but it's really sad to hear that he died in this manner.
My heart goes out to DJ AM's friends and family during this difficult time.
Kidnapped 18 years ago, found with 2 kids
This poor girl was kidnappend 18 years ago by a sex offender and kept as a sex slave in this couples back yard. The man who kidnapped her fathered 2 children who are now 11 and 15 years old. None of them have been to school which is a real shame.
This poor girl, now woman, is going to need a lot of therapy and so are her 2 children. This whole story makes me sick that she was kidnapped and kept as a sex slave.
The couple and the kidnapped victims all walked into the police station where the couple turned themselves in. It's just too bad it took 18 years for them to do the right thing. This should've never happened. Now the man is claiming that he is a different person and that he's changed yadda yadda yadda. He is a registered sex offender, how did his probation officer never search the property? I think they should start searching the property of all these sex offenders every so often. You never know what your gonna find and they just might save lives.
GPS Gives You 4 Days Of Your Life Back
This is a very interesting article about how a GPS can give you back 4 days of your life per year. How can they make such a claim? Because when you use a GPS to get around it can help you to avoid getting lost as well as avoiding traffic jams. So basically you get to your destination faster, you use less gas, you waste less time and spew less carbon dioxide into the air.
I personally think that this is a true claim. Just yesterday I printed directions from google maps to drive to a customers house to deliver some packages for Chip, he works at a lighting store and he had to make 2 deliveries. I went with him so we took his SUV instead of his work van because he really can't have anyone in the van with him. So anyway, I was telling him where to go according to the printout and we almost got lost because of the street names. There is Stine and New Stine, we were supposed to turn left on New Stine and stay on Stine when it changes but I had him turn on Stine instead lol. It's very confusing. We got all the way to the dead end and were like where the heck are we?
We ended up getting there but we could've gotten there sooner if Chip had a GPS instead.
Having a GPS not only saves time, gas and the environment but it also saves money on paper and printer ink.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Everyone Deserves A Roof
Everyone Deserves A Roof aka EDAR
This is meant specifically for the homeless in Los Angeles who cannot or will not go to one of the homeless shelters. Cannot because they don't have enough cots or will not because they are too proud or whatever reason they might have.
It's a cart during the day that you can roll around to collect your cans and bottles for recycling or maybe even perhaps to store your belongings in then at night it's a tent to sleep in. If you do decide to go to the shelter you can sleep in your EDAR and have privacy instead of sleeping on a cot with everyone else.
When I was kicked out of the house by my mother when I was 17 I was homeless. I was living place to place for short periods of time until the person I was staying with no longer wanted me there. Eventually I had to go to a shelter in Simi Valley and stayed there for many months until the program ended for the summer. By then I was back on my feet and renting a room in the home of a Vietnamese family.
So when I hear about something like this it makes me happy that there is something to help the homeless during the time they cannot go to the shelters. But the issue is, where can you set it up and sleep in it without the cops opening the flap up and telling you to move somewhere else?
This is a good thing for homeless people in my opinion.
LGBT Film Festival
Doctor Visit
Well, my regular doctor said if they had those x-rays they could just give me the shots there. I called the neurologist office and asked them to send the x-rays to my doctors office because I'm tired of messing around. This has been going on for too long now, 5 weeks in excruciating pain.
In the meantime he gave me a prescription for Vicodin (SWEET) and that should be ready soon. The thing is, I've taken that for this pain and it doesn't help. Well, then again, that prescription expired on 2/09 so maybe that has something to do with it lol.
When my toenails were taken off I was in a lot more pain than this and the vicodin numbed the pain so if it works for that then it should work for this.
Sad news about my doctor though, today was his last day. He's moving back east and he said something about making more money so that's good I guess. It's not easy working for the city in a clinic I guess, you just don't make as much as you would've thought you would when you went to Medical school. I'll miss him and have to get used to yet another doctor.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Florida Gay Adoption Debate
Free Adult Buffet Meal
I just thought I would pass along the savings by giving you this link to sign up with the Hometown Buffet eclub. That link was given to me in my coupon to email to people but I thought I would do better by posting the link here in my blog for you all instead. I'm not sure what happens by allowing people to sign up with me as a reference but who knows, I might get more free coupons lol.
Tiny bicycle-towed house is self-sufficient
This is awesome! I couldn't think of anything better for a person who is homeless. Besides it being so claustrophobic I think I could live in this if I absolutely had to.
Of course this isn't an ideal living space but as long as you are happy with it then that's fine.
This guy made it "just in case Swine Flu resulted in an apocalypse that required him to be entirely self-sufficient" lol. It was only meant for him to have shelter during Burning Man but I can see using it some other times. For example you could go camping with this and you can move around and never have to worry about setting camp up again.
My concern is, where do you store all of your food? I mean, food is going to make this thing too heavy to pull. It's still cool and I wish I had one lol.
Hypospray Is Reality
This is awesome. They finally have the Star Trek hypospray. I don't know what took them so long. This will be great for diabetics who don't really like sticking themselves everyday to get their insulin injections.
The days of sharing needles for drug users will be over too, that is if they can get one of these. I'm not promoting it, just saying that there won't be the risk of contamination of needles and exposing people to the AIDS virus.
Video advertising comes to print media
This has to be the coolest thing to happen to magazines since well, the magazine. But unfortunately the only people who are going to get this will be those who have subscribed and only New York and Los Angeles. This will be the beginning of a new era for magazines. It sorta reminds me of Harry Potter except that in Harry Potter the images don't speak and it's all over the newspaper not just in 1 page.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Untold Legends Warriors Code New Info
So a few days ago someone commented in my YouTube video asking if I thought it was worth it and naturally I said yes because it's fun. So he got to level 22 and we finally got together in the game today and played. He's in New York, I'm in California and we're playing a PSP game together. Isn't that something? I think it's awesome as hell.
So anyway, I learned something about the game. If one person dies how the heck do you continue in the game? Obviously you can't continue by yourself, you have to resurrect the other person. How do you do that? It's a lot easier than you think, you just teleport somewhere else and move around and they come back to life then you just teleport back to where you were and continue.
You learn something new everyday right?
Fresh Air Fund
I think that's wonderful that they were able to raise that much money to help pay for summer camp for the children.
Hey if you want to check out all the pictures you can find them online:
Amazon Wireless
Most of the phones are only a penny and so you basically get a free phone but when you click that you already have an existing account the price may go up to about $50-$75 or more depending on the phone. I found that certain phones you still get for just a penny with an already existing plan.
I think that's great that they will give you a free phone if you are upgrading your cell phone but not your plan because it just makes it easier to get a new phone. I'm sure people don't want to upgrade because they just can't afford to so this makes it easier.
I didn't see any iPhones listed but I did see Blackberry Curve and Blackberry Bold. They also have some other well known companies like Samsung, LG, Motorola and Sony to name a few.
Now here is my question and I hope someone will find this via google blog search so they can answer. I have a pre-paid cell phone with T-Mobile. Of course they don't offer T-Mobile yet but it says coming soon. But when they do get T-Mobile I wonder if I can buy a new phone for my pre-paid plan with GPS and Mp3 capability. I wonder if it would work. I don't need internet, I just want to be able to have the GPS and Mp3 along with being able to call people.
I currently have a Nokia 3390 cell phone pre-paid plan with T-Mobile that I've had since 2002. The reason I got a pre-paid plan is for 2 reasons. #1 being that a friend of ours in Hollywood was always driving to Malibu to visit her mom (this was 1997-1999, she passed away in 2000) and she couldn't get reception and she was having nothing but problems but to be fair she knows that she didn't have reception due to the mountains that she was driving through but she blamed it on the cell phone company anyway. She insisted on getting out of her contract to go with another company and she had to pay big bucks to get out of it which was dumb because she had the same issue with another company lol. So it's for this very reason that Chip forbade me, yes, I said forbade, from getting a contract.
Reason number 2 is that I have a little to no credit score since I never really established credit in my late teens. No credit cards means bad credit score which means the cell phone companies will only give me a cell phone with the highest paid plan which makes absolutely no sense to me. They should offer me their cheapest plan so they know they get their money every month. Also, I'm on disability so I can't really afford a monthly plan fee. All I really can afford is the pre-paid because I only pay for minutes when I need them and I don't use it that much to warrant buying a lot of minutes.
Chip has taken over the phone though because he needs a phone at work so when he's driving if he needs to make a call to AAA for a tow or whatever then he has a phone. Also if he has to call 911 then he has a phone. He usually uses it to call me at the house on his way home. But he's always asking me to go to map quest and tell him the directions that he writes down and I think it would be much easier if he had a GPS on the phone.
Sorry I rambled on but you have to know the full story of why I'm asking lol. Thanks for your response in advance.
Bright House Cable Upgrade
Yesterday a 1-800 number called and I let the machine pick it up and it was Bright House calling. It was a recording and I let the machine record it but before it hung up I picked up the phone to hear the rest of the message. It said that it was going to be upgrading 1 of our cable boxes. It didn't say which one, just that 1 of our boxes is going to get the upgrade and the other one will get it in a few weeks.
It was the one in the living room and I am so glad that it was that one and not the one in my bedroom because Chip would never let me live that down lol. I have an HD box in my room even though I don't have an HD tv set. The cable company gave me the wrong one but I insisted that I'm going to be upgrading my tv anyway (which was a lie) so let me keep it lol. I said that because some of the HD channels are eastern time zone and I like being able to see the shows 3 hours earlier so that I can watch my network shows when they come on at 8 and 9pm.
One of the reasons why I couldn't watch Ghost Hunters many years ago was because the new episode always came on at the same time as one of my shows at 9pm but I didn't know then that they repeat it at 11 lol. Duh! But that's ok, I like to watch the new episode at 6pm even though I don't have any other Wednesday night shows. I get to watch the new episodes 4 times, 6pm and 8pm on SyFyHD and 9pm and 11pm on regular SyFy lol.
So I still have to wait a week to 3 weeks for my upgrade. I was just looking at it and it's not all that different. Ok yes it's really different but it's not better. It's just eye candy is all. I will record on my dvd recorder what it looks like normal then when I get the upgrade record it with the upgrade and put it on YouTube lol.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Clothing for Adults
What about footie pajamas? I stopped wearing those when I was probably 4, I don't recall, maybe older I don't know but I think it would be cool to have a pair of those to keep my tooties warm at night in the winter. They have built in shoes so when you go outside you don't have to put your shoes on lol. In the back yard of course.
See, these are the messed up thoughts that I have lol.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My Blog Stats
- My top day was May 13th 2009. That's when I had the most visitors, page views, spider crawls etc.
- OS: 48.3% of my visitors are in Win XP in first place. 17.3% are all Linux users in 2nd place and 8.5% are on Mac in 3rd place. Windows Vista is in 4th place with 7.1%. I wasn't going to add 4th but being Vista I thought it was funny.
- Browser: 42.2% are using IE 6 in 1st place. 23.1 with IE 7 in 2nd place and Firefox 3 in 3rd place with 11.3%
- Search Engines: Google is the number 1 search engine that people come here from with 65.1 in 1st place, Google Images 32.6% in 2nd place and Google Blog Search in 3rd place with 0.9%.
- The top 2 search terms are KFC Dollar menu and Girl with star tattoo's.
- The top 2 countries are actually both US with .net at #1 with 33% and .com with 27.2 in 2nd place.
- The top spider is Google with 80.2%
There are other stats but they are about IP's and I don't think anybody wants that info given out lol.
Edit: Since I posted this I added these news and entertainment videos for revenue and my visitors, pageviews and spider crawls have more than doubled. Just thought I'd update this with this new information.
The Arrogance
I don't know what else to say except I will keep looking and maybe change some of them so I don't seem so arrogant, if not deleting and changing words then perhaps adding an edit or update.
What I really do like is for people to call me on my arrogance. Please, that's what the comments are for. Comment so that I will look back and change things and apologize.
TED Sixth Sense Technology
True Blood
In season 1 when grams died I was in shock. I just wasn't expecting them to kill her off and so soon in the show too. Then it just seemed like every episode I was left with whoa, that happened didn't it?
Season 2 is the same. It's like they have this formula that just works and you can't escape it. It's as though the creators of this show have glamored me just like a vampire can glamor people.
Now Sookie has a new power with her hands but it has only worked on Mary Ann so far. She didn't even know she had this and perhaps it's because she didn't need to know she had it because it only works on 1 person which is the demon Mary Ann. Actually she needs to know how to control it so it would've been good for her to know she had it so she could figure out how to use it. Although if it only works on Mary Ann then she wouldn't be able to practice but when she does need it I'm sure she will be able to figure it out on the spot. Trial and error I guess.
Boy has Sookie missed some shit up in her crib while she was gone in Texas. If she stayed she would've probably been killed because Mary Ann probably wouldn't have been able to glamor her.
I would like to know where all the Bon Temps vampires are and why they didn't contact their sheriff Eric to tell him that some shit's goin' down lol. I know Bill isn't the only one in Bon Temps.
Well, I love the show and I hate that they only have 12 episodes. Too bad they don't have a regular season at the same time as all the network channels do from September/October to May. 24 episodes per season would be awesome lol. I think it would be neat to have a Halloween and Christmas episode don't you?
Shoulder Exercises = bad
I was only doing 4 out of those 6 exercises and only doing 10 reps of each and I'm not using that much weight. My weider home gym works by the height that you have it set to. If you have it set real low then you aren't use any weight at all but if you have it set at it's highest point then you are using all of your weight and probably then some. And if you use the bungees at the bottom you are adding more resistance. I was only doing it 1/4 high. I don't know exactly how much weight that is because they didn't give me a chart on how to calculate how much weight I'm lifting but I can only assume that I'm only using 1/4 of my weight which would be 60lbs.
I also stopped the cold/heat because I believe it was causing problems with my left arm. For the last week I was using cold/heat the pain was going down my left arm and it was almost at my hand so by stopping the cold/heat the pain actually went away in my arm. It was going away from my back too and I thought that perhaps it was due to me using the gym. Perhaps it was a combination of both. Maybe stopping cold/heat and starting the gym. Maybe I should've stopped the cold/heat for a few days then started up again and maybe I should've only used the gym once per day instead of 2-3 times per day.
Whatever the reason the pain is coming back for is beyond me. I just know I can't suffer anymore. I am suffering and I am tired of it. I can't work, I can't lay on my left side, I can't ride my bike, I can't really do anything at all that involves breathing lol.
Kathy Griffin and Levi?
I love you Kathy Griffin. You are so funny. She just loves to hook up with someone who is constantly in the spotlight so that she will be in the spotlight (aka tabloids).
Anybody who is a big giant fan of Kathy Griffin (like ME) knows that she loves the attention so if it takes hooking up with Levi for some attention then you go girl. Although in my opinion and in many other peoples opinions, she is already off the D-list so she doesn't need to hook up with Levi. I'm sure she could get George Clooney if she tried. Or she could try and steal Brad away from Angelina just like how she took him from Jennifer. Hey it could happen.
Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List is over for the season and I can't wait for the next season to air. In the meantime if you would like to pre-order her book Official Book Club Selection click the link to visit her website and order it through Amazon or Barnes and Noble (BN).
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Pit Bull Licks Womans Face
My recent post
At first I thought it was funny but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I was in the wrong for saying the things I said in there. Whenever I try to send a message, good as my intentions are it's not always a good idea.
After some careful editing I just decided to delete it. It was dumb and it's gone. Oh well.
However the last paragraph still stands. Well, I deleted the whole post so I don't have that anymore so I have to retype it lol.
A friend of mine bought me this t-shirt from a thrift store many years ago. It says in gay pride colors "JUST WORDS" and behind that it has all these words mixed together. Some of them are just words (no this is not an obama speech) like sports bar and some of them are offensive like the word "fag" which is what people call me constantly. But it's just words. That's the message. So the message I am sending by wearing that shirt is that I'm not going to be offended because it's just words.
That shirt has gotten faded over the years and before it got so hard to read I wanted to type it all out in the same colors as the shirt. Some words I couldn't read at all so I had to improvise so I can print it for a new t-shirt. But I thought that maybe some people might want to have it so here it is. Click here to save it and print on your own plain white t-shirt. It works best on white but if you have dark iron on for a dark shirt then maybe it might work on that color too.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Trouble Sleeping
So I went into the kitchen and made myself a shot of Rum but that didn't do anything lol. So I decided to take another half a sleeping pill so hopefully that will work soon. I'm yawning but that doesn't mean anything. I yawned about 20 times when I was still laying in bed trying to sleep and yet here I sit at the computer.
You know what I think would be cool for nights like this? Have a doctor give you one of those shots with that white stuff, you know, just before you get an operation. Then tell you to count down from 100 and by the time you get to 98 you are already sleeping lol.
Then I'll be able to wake up early in the morning and can start my day off at 6am instead of at 12pm which is what it's looking like for me at this point lol. It's 2:43am, yeah I'm wakin up at noon lol.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
New BikeCam idea
Cool Cellphone Concept
WindowPhone concept points to future of touch cell phones
I think that's really neat. It's a new cell phone concept that is a clear see through phone. When it's raining outside you see rain drops on the display. When it's snowing your display looks fogged up as if it has frost on it. When it's a nice sunny day then you get a clear see through display. When you want to text you blow on the display then you can write the numbers/letters with your finger and it translates your writing into text to call someone or to type a text message. Tuvie demonstrates that.
Ok now you might be asking yourself, Mike, how does this power up if you can see through it? I got your answer. Nanotechnology. Here is a flexible transparent battery that charges up in 1 minute. Yes, I said 1 minute. Ok you got me Mike, so, what about all the rest of the parts of the phone? Well, do you see the top of the phone that's black that you can't see through? Perhaps that has the nano processor and all that jazz in there? Who knows. Or maybe if they can make a flexible transparent battery then they can make everything else flexible and transparent.
I think the display is LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) or perhaps it's color e-ink so it probably doesn't use any battery power.
Ok so what about a speaker and a mic Mike? I don't know lol I didn't design this. Perhaps it is bluetooth ready so all you need is the bluetooth or maybe it comes with the bluetooth ear piece.
All I know is that I probably won't be able to afford one. I still use the Nokia 3390 from 2002 lol.
Scared Shitless from YouTube
Yeah, I hate it when they do that on YouTube.
Want to see the video I'm talking about? Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? Be 100% positive that you want to see it. If you have a heart condition please do not watch this. Now please turn your volume down or off, remove your glasses, push in your keyboard tray and click here. I will not be held liable for anything happening.
Shafter Police Officer Video Tapes Attack
Caught on tape: Shafter officer inadvertently videotapes himself beating suspect
This cop in Shafter turned off the safety on his taser which turned the video camera on and he inadvertently video taped himself beating a suspect who was not resisting arrest. He had his taser in 1 hand and his baton in the other hand which is what he beat him with.
Q: Do you think the city and county ought to buy cameras for all their police tasers, like Shafter has done?
A: They have the dashboard cameras for chases, they should be video taped the entire time, not just when they pull people over but also when they have to run after a suspect and they are far from the vehicle. It protects them but it also protects us from them.
Britain has head-mounted video cameras for their police officers and I think that America needs that too. Although, this article says that it cost $6 million dollars for 2,000 cameras and that's probably more than our countries budget can afford, especially since the deficit is much higher now. But perhaps this will be put in place some time in the future. Maybe certain cities can buy 1 for each of their officers that go out on the streets only. Maybe this will force them to be peace officers instead of dickhead officers.
My Shoulder Exercises
The pictures that I took suck because I took them in my bedroom and it's really dark in here so the white of the poster looks dark yellow. I would like to do it all over again outside so the white shows up as white instead of as dark yellow.
The point of me doing that was so that I could crop certain exercises out and put them all side by side and print onto a sheet of 4x6 photo paper so that I can carry out there with me so I can hold it up and look at it easier.
So I picked out 8 exercises that I could do for my shoulder. I picked out all the ones that are for the rear part of the shoulder since that's where my pain is. Although yesterday the pain moved to the front, well it's back where it belongs, in the back of my shoulder. So I'm going to focus on working that muscle to fix the problem.
Even though it sucks really bad, here are the exercises that I chose. You can click it to see it full size. It looks horrible but it looks better on 4x6 paper. When I get time before my Stargate shows come on I'm going to go out there and try it again so I get it right. Then at least I'd be able to share it with the world since nobody else has it for download. Oh, it looks white with specks because I used the replace color option in Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 to change the dark yellow with white but I couldn't get all of those colors out of there so I just left it for now. I will fix it.
As promised here is the guide. It's also in the Downloads section.
Resistance is Futile
Chip had to go on 3 deliveries this morning for his job but before he left the house he needed me to "mapquest" the directions for him. I don't like Map Quest because a lot of times you type in the correct address and it tells you that there is no such address so you have to choose what they say is the address and sometimes it just isn't the right directions so you have to find your way while you are lost.
This morning in particular Map Quest was freezing my computer making it very difficult for me to even type the directions. He was in a hurry too so he kept saying that I had too much shit on my computer lol.
So he left and said he would call me for the directions, as if I'm On Star. So after he left I went to Google Maps and typed in the addresses to get the directions and it loaded lickety split. I was then able to print it out and call him up and tell him to come back for the printed directions.
I keep telling him, you need a GPS. His response is always that someone is going to steal it. Not true. When you get to work you can put it under the seat or take it in with you and when you get home you can bring it in the house. When he leaves the van sitting outside all night long with thousands upon thousands of dollars in merchandise he doesn't want to have to worry that seeing the GPS is going to make someone want to break in only to discover all the merchandise in the van. Well, bring it in with you or leave it sitting with all that merchandise in the back of the van lol.
Well he gets his check today, he normally gets paid every other Friday and tomorrow is Friday but he has the day off so he'll probably get his check today. So, I will try to talk him into buying a GPS.
I actually have a GPS for my laptop, it's the Microsoft Streets and Trips 2006 program that I bought in 2007 and it has a little GPS that plugs into the USB of your laptop but he can't use that for 2 reasons. 1 he won't be able to see it if it's on the passenger seat and 2 he won't be able to hear the voice prompts because the voice is so noisy. So, he really needs a dashboard mounted GPS that he can see up close. I'll work on him later, try to really sell it lol.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Pain Subsiding
I rode my bike to the store today and I was still having pain though. I'm pushing on the handlebars too much even though I'm sitting straight up so that could be problematic. I wouldn't recommend going out on my rides until the pain is completely gone because I don't want to aggravate it and make it come back full force.
I have a feeling my handlebars are too long and that I'm going to have to cut them about the length of the grips then just replace the grips with new ones. Or maybe I can get the ones that are on there wet so I can save them. I put them on with hairspray so they are pretty much stuck to the bar.
I might also have to just go to Target and buy another new seat, when I bought the gel seat cover for my seat I saw that they had a beach cruiser seat so maybe I will buy that to see if that will help. It was cheap so it's not like I'm spending another $70 on a seat. It would be a damn shame to lose the $70 from the "ergo" seat by not using it anymore. Oh well, lesson learned.
Oh I just wanted to add one more thing. My last bike ride was 7/20/09 and today is 8/19/09 so tomorrow will be exactly 1 month that I haven't ridden so I need to get back on the bike before ALL the weight comes back.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Getting Better
I've been using a cold pack until my rear left shoulder was totally numb then I would immediately put the heat pack on it and it would melt my muscle and the heat felt so good. I would just do this all day long, giving my back a rest for an hour or so here and there.
I've been noticing that the pain has been going down my arm a bit more and more everyday. At first it was at my shoulder but then creeping down my arm, it would go into my bicep muscle then it was going down to my elbow in my muscles and now it's getting lower, I don't know what it's called between the elbow and the hands but it's in there now in the middle.
Maybe, hopefully it will just keep going down until it's at the tips of my fingers until they just leave out my fingers. Maybe I might see sparklers and confetti shoot out of my finger tips letting me know it's over.
For now I want and see. By the time my references come I will be fine again and back on my bike again lol. Well let's hope that I will be back to my routine again soon.
Why am I talking about boogers? I have sleep apnea and I sleep with a mask that blows air in my lungs via my nose all night long to keep me alive long enough to live another day. So when I wake up I immediately have to blow my nose because that air dries my "mucus" which forms boogers lol.
So I was just curious as to know what it is and why we have them.
This comes from
What are Boogers and Where Do They Come From?
Why do we get boogers?
In order to understand about boogers, you have to know about mucus. Mucus is that slimy stuff that oozes from your nose when you have a cold. You might know it better by the more common name, snot.
Mucus has a very important part in our bodies. In the respiratory system (your nose, throat, and lungs), it keeps nasty things like dust and germs out of your lungs. These things get stuck in snot and your lungs are kept safe.
When these things get in the nose, they get trapped in the mucus, and then they dry and clump together to form boogers!
So even though they are annoying and gross, apparently they are very important. So in order for me to protect my lungs, I gotta support the tissue industry.
Ghostly Dreams
The one thing that I've learned from watching Ghost Hunters on the SyFy (formerly Sci-Fi) channel is that they can't hurt you. Well, they kinda can because Jayson has gotten scratches and they show people with scratches on their back that they couldn't have possibly done to themselves. And there was that one Halloween episode where Grant was being held back and you could see the collar of his jacket being tugged on. But is that really hurting?
The videos on YouTube that I've been watching have been that stupid "Pantry Ghost" video where you can see hands and a face through the glass but someone has proven that it is a fake by showing you how they do it. So I don't believe in that one. This same person has also shot video of himself playing hide n' seek with his daughter and at the very end you see what appears to be a ghostly apparition in the corner by the dresser. Well, that could've easily been faked using the same techniques as the pantry video. They also made a video of going into a room and seeing a ghost girl standing up and then another where he opens the board to the attic and he sees a ghost girl turning around to see the camera. Those are all fake because you cannot see through the ghost, it's a solid apparition.
I've actually had encounters with "ghosts" in my bedroom. Feeling a cat jump up on the bed and walk around. That happens sometimes but I've accepted that it's a kitty cat ghost, it can't hurt me so it doesn't frighten me in the least. And one night, this only happened once, I was laying in bed and I felt what seemed like 4 cats on the bed but then I felt as though someone just sat down on the edge of the bed. The edge of the bed felt like it was pressed down. You could feel someone sitting. I didn't move because I didn't want to scare it, it didn't scare me. I even said hello to it. I eventually fell asleep.
But last night I had this dream that there was this ghost in the house and it was stalking me. I went to the front door and there was a piece of furniture sitting in front of the door and it was keeping me in the house. But I can't put any stock into that dream because some how our toy chihuahua dog "Flower" duplicated so I had 2 "flowers" lol.
It still scared me, I was frightened and basically just scared out of my mind. But I know that it was just a dream, they can't hurt me. I have to just keep saying and thinking that they cannot hurt me.
I saw "ghosts" as a kid, so did my older sister, my mother told me that she sees them too and that if I feel scared then perhaps it's not good, it's "evil" and to say the "lords prayer". Well, personally I don't believe in evil as in hell or the devil. I do believe in evil as in people who are evil such as those who have murdered other people and laughed about it and don't regret it or apologize for it. So I guess if a ghost can be good as people can be good then a ghost can be evil as people can be evil. It works both ways.
I think the only way to stop those dreams is to stop watching YouTube ghost videos that try to scare you lol.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Home Gym
I think that if I work that muscle, the shoulder muscle that hurts and my back muscles, that I might be able to strengthen it up.
I've had this shoulder pain for almost a month now and it seems like it's moving from my shoulder to my neck and also down my left arm as well as being in my shoulder. So I think that the only way I'm going to fix this is by exercising those muscles.
When I was going to the Chiropractors office in 2005 they would give me a massage, I would lay on a hot water bed with jets shooting at my back, they would put these electric things on my back that would shoot electricity into the muscle then the doctor would adjust my back and then they would send me over to their gym room where I would use the weight machine and do the exercises that they told me to do. I still have the paper with all the exercises too.
They had me pull on the weight cable then hold for about 5 or 10 seconds or whatever, I forgot. Then I would do it again, so about maybe 10 times for 5-10 seconds. So I believe that this worked so I think I should do the same.
I'm giving myself shiatsu massages, vibrating massages, putting cold then heat on my shoulder. I can't adjust myself but I do try to crack my back when I can. I don't have a little twin sized water bed with heat and jets and I don't have one of those things that you put on your muscle then push the button to electronically stimulate the muscles by zapping it (as seen on Jackass the movie where they put it on their balls lol) but I do have a home gym and it's about time I use it.
I really want this pain to go away. It's been almost a month and I haven't been on my bike in that amount of time. I'm told to just go to the Chiropractors office but how am I going to get there? Bus then have to walk the rest of the way? Every step I take causes pain in my shoulder. In 2005 I was going 3 days a week, that's $3 a week in bus fair that I just can't spare. I would ride my bicycle but then I'd be paranoid that it's going to get stolen the whole time cause you are in there for 2-3 hours at least.
So my best alternative is to just suffer and use the options I have available to me I guess. Maybe if I had a person to drive me then it would be easier but I don't. We have a perfectly good SUV in the driveway that I could get there with but... don't know how to drive and even if I did, it's gonna cost me a lot more than $3 a week in gas.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Men Soliciting Sex in Parks in Bakersfield
That is an article in the BakersfieldNow website. In the 1970's and 80's this was apparently a very typical thing, men going to the park and sitting in the cars and/or going to the bathroom and exposing themselves hoping to have sex with someone either in the bathroom, their car or going somewhere else.
I go on the bike trail and I pass 3 parks (as seen in my BikeCam videos) and I see children playing sports, people exercising and children on bikes, they don't need to see this. What is wrong with people? These children use those bathrooms and that's the last thing kids need is to go to the bathroom at Yokuts and Beach park and see 2 men having sex.
What really pisses me off is that these people are adding to the laundry list of why straight people hate gay people. It's not just gay people, it's straight people who are doing it but that doesn't get put in the newspaper or on the news, they focus more on the gay people doing this. If people want to find other people to have sex why can't they do what normal people do, go to a bar and end up going home with someone. Do whatever you gotta do but don't go to the park and do something gross like having sex in cars and in the bathroom.
I have actually seen men and women making out in cars at 2 parks, 1 of them is by a Catholic school too which is in a neighborhood. Plus I've seen straight people making out at the parking lot across the street from AAA on Truxton Ave. I see these people doing this and all I can think is that they aren't married, they are probably cheating on their spouses because trust me, if you are as old as these people are and you are having to make out with someone in your car, you aren't married to them, you are cheating and most likely because your husband or wife don't have sex with you anymore so you are sneaking around.
I have seen straight people doing this several times but I have yet to see any gay people in cars. I don't ever use the bathroom unless I am so desperate to go to the bathroom. I'm a bit of a germaphobe so I would prefer not to sit on public toilet seats. Peeing is one thing but if I see someone standing at a urinal I will use the stall to pee. I don't use park bathroom stalls because they don't have doors. So you won't see me in the park bathrooms unless I REALLY needed to go lol.
My Pez Collection Video
Clay's Restaurant
November 28th 2008, IHOP in Bakersfield became Clay's Restaurant. We've been going to that IHOP since 2000 but we don't always have the money to be regulars. We only go once in awhile. But we actually haven't been there at all since they changed their name to Clay's.
Well this morning Chip wanted to go out for breakfast and the place that he chose was closed for some strange reason. So he said well let's go to Denny's. I said that's too far. He said where do you want to go and I said "well we haven't been to Clay's yet" so that's where we went.
We get there and are seated right away. There was a person we knew who was leaving so Chip wanted to talk to him before we sat down. Our host had our menu's sitting open on the table waiting for us which I thought was very nice.
So we order and our food comes, I ordered the #6 2 eggs, 3 bacon, 3 sausage, hash browns and pancakes. Chip ordered chicken fried steak with gravy, eggs, hash browns and toast.
I can't speak for him but he didn't complain about his food. My food was pretty good. The sausage was different though, it wasn't over cooked and wrinkly, it was a nice light shade of brown and it was smooth. The bacon was also very flat and smooth and it tasted good. The pancakes were smaller but I guess they can't sell pancakes that look exactly like IHOP's so they just made them smaller. The hash browns weren't crispy which is IHOP's signature hash browns but that was fine. It was still good. Normally scrambled eggs are 1 solid color but mine weren't mixed completely so you could see the yellow and white. That's not a bad thing, the eggs were good but it was just different.
Our waitress was Donna and she was a very nice woman. We asked her if the business has suffered since they changed their name to Clay's and she said that there aren't as many customers as when they were IHOP but the customers are coming back. I can say that I would definitely come back because the food was very good.
Clay's Restaurant is located at 1530 California Ave. in Bakesfield, CA. There are also other Clay's, I just know about this one and the one over by Valley Plaza on Ming. I would recommend Clay's and I give them 5 stars.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Jesse Evicted Again!
I actually started watching BB9 in the middle and I did enjoy it and so when BB10 was on I watched it from the very first episode all the way to the end. Jesse was the biggest hoser on that show and he totally deserved to get evicted. This season I'm sure he was a huge hoser again, I'm sure he was because, he's in the Jury house now. Boy would I hate to be the next person evicted especially if I voted him out and you know he's going to ask you who you voted for lol.
How I happened to find out is I decided to take a sneak peek into the show by turning Showtime 2 on and seeing who all was still in the house and Jesse was nowhere to be seen. You know if he was still in the house he would be all over the place and he would be on camera. But he wasn't so I went to the CBS/Big Brother page and found out that he was evicted.
So I went back to the TV on Primetime on Demand and watched the last episode. I was surprised because he wasn't even up for eviction and just before voting started, Jeff, the guy who won the Coup D'etat, took both people off the block and put Natalie and Jesse on the block. He got voted out with 3 votes.
I'm not surprised at all I have to say. During that episode I got to get a glimpse of what has happened during the week, or at least since the prior episode which is probably only a couple of days and see Jesse fighting with the guy who was on the block to be evicted, the guy who was fighting with the HOH who put him up there.
Ok, I am NOT going to get into it lol. I really don't want to watch this show because it takes a lot out of a person mentally, you know? I mean, you get so wrapped up in watching all the drama and you start turning into these people that you are watching and all of a sudden you have attitude towards people and they are like dude, what's wrong with you lol.
Anyway, I think it's funny that he's gone again lol. On one hand I really do feel sorry for him but on the other hand he probably deserved it because he was probably a total douche hose to everyone just like last time.
He thinks he is all that because he works out and he's got a cute face and a fuckin' hot body but looks can only get you so far. People can look past your looks when they get to know your personality. Once you start showing people who you really are then they don't even see the pretty face and the pumped up chest and 6 pack abs anymore. It actually makes people make snap judgments about people who do work out, when you see someone acting the way he acts then you think maybe all the other guys who work out are as arrogant as Jesse is. So then you try to keep your distance from other muscle guys. I know I wouldn't want to be friends with a guy like that knowing he might start drama every time he sees you.
Ok, I'm done with Big Brother lol.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Better Than Me?
I know it seems that in all of my posts I'm talking trash but I'm not telling anyone that I'm better than they are because I have TONS of faults. I'm not perfect, nobody is. And people who eat healthy certainly are not better yet they act like they are better than everyone else. Vegetarians too. They act so superior because they don't eat meat and you are such a horrible person for eating a hamburger.
It's arrogant for anyone who eats organic or vegetarian to think that they are better than everyone else and to me it just shouts douchebag alert. When I saw Suzanne basically making Kathy feel bad for sneaking in diet soda at her party it made me cringe because she has no right to tell anyone what they can and cannot drink. It's like the arrogance of Christians for telling gay people they cannot get married.
Wow, how did I sneak that in there? LOL
Edit: I have to make a correction in this post. Ok 1st, it was wrong for me to say douchebag alert. And 2nd, a person does have the right to say that you cannot sneak something into their house because it is "their" house after all and if they don't want something in then you shouldn't bring it in. Talk about arrogant. I was being arrogant in both cases. I truly am sorry.
Ooooh Scary Bunny Man
I turn the TV on because at 1 I watch Enterprise then Atlantis then SG-1. Scariest Places on Earth is on and this woman is terrified to go in this tunnel in Rome because she is told the tale of a scary bunny man and if you say his name 3 times he appears. She says it and then all of a sudden screams while running away and she falls lol.
Oh come on people, do you believe everything they tell you? Look at that cute wittle bunny wabbit, he's not gonna hurt you.
So I go to YouTube to find the clips from that episode to put in here but all I find are these videos for "The Bunny Man" in a small town in Fairfax County called Clifton in Northern Virginia.
No I haven't watched it because Enterprise is on and I'm MISSING IT! LOL I've seen every episode so that's ok. But I'm not going to watch it (bunnyman legend video) because it's too funny to believe. Call me close minded, call me skeptical or a cynic. But if someone tells you about a scary bunnyman who lives in a bridge well, I have a bridge I would like to sell you. It's in Brooklyn and it's called the Brooklyn Bridge, I won't ask for much for it because it's a little old. Or maybe I should ask for a lot since it's an antique. Get your checkbooks out.
Girlfriend doesn't realize boyfriend is in Europe
I had something similar happen. I got a call from my aunt telling me that my grandmother was dying and she asked for me so I took the Amtrak bus down to Palmdale, CA and spent a week with my family until my grandmother passed away. After she passed away I checked my email and this friend of mine had sent me a few emails just yelling at me for ignoring her.
I emailed her before I left telling her that I was going to be gone for a week and she thought I would have internet access where I was going. My aunt had dial up and it's not cool to go to someones house and tie their phone line up so I just didn't read email at all. I had my cell phone on the whole time and I would talk to Chip which was the most important person I needed to talk to, nobody else.
So I told her that I was visiting my aunts and that my grandmother had just died. I think she sent me 2-4 emails and was basically very cross with me in all of them for ignoring her lol. She ended the friendship but when I finally emailed her and told her what happened she was sorry for saying all of those things. We're still friends but it took a long time for her to realize that I wasn't going away and she would have to just deal with it lol.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Brock Baker - Pooped My Pants
Premium M&M's
They are kind of strange looking. It's kind of like a bronze color with brown flecks. Normally when I eat M&M's if they are the plain I suck on it until it dissolves completely. That way I get the taste for a lot longer. These are different. The shell has no flavor at all. It's kind of like sucking on a marble. So my instinct is to just bite down and chew it.
It tastes good. I love anything that is coffee flavored and this is Mocha so it works for me. But like I said, it had a clearance tag on it. What does that mean? It means they no longer make it and they are on sale to get rid of them. I know this for a fact because I went to the M&M's website and they don't even have this flavor listed anymore. I had to do a search just for the photo to add to this blog post.
So after this bag is finished (give me 5 minutes lol) I'm never going to buy them again because they are about $4 at the store at their regular price and that's a bit too rich for my blood for candy.
You Don't Get Paid for Bottles? Whaaat?
We are talking about recycling. I was telling her about how much I get paid here in Bakersfield, CA for recycling cans as opposed to how much I get paid to recycle 2 liter bottles. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri and she informs me that she gets money for recycling the cans but they don't allow them to profit off of 2 liter bottles yet they charge her .05¢ on top of the regular cost to buy a 2 liter bottle.
This is just another example of how "the man" is trying to screw you out of your hard earned money.
This is what I asked her:
ok just so I get my facts straight...
you can recycle 2 liter bottles but they don't allow you to make any money? yet they allow you to make money from recycling cans correct?
and they make you pay for the blue recycling cans and make you recycle?
right you don't get money from any plastics at all you can get money for cans it is like 30 cents a pound for cans but nothing for any plastics we have to have them recycled and picked up by the contracted trash company for the city. some cities don't even get a choice
Are you listening America? They don't even give you a choice in some cities. They charge you .05¢ for the bottles yet they don't give it back to you. That's what the point of the California Redemption Value (CRV) is, that's why they charge us the .05¢, so you will recycle it, so you may get your change back.
I was at the grocery store yesterday where I bought a 12 pack of diet Dr. Chill (a new albertson's generic brand lol) and it was on sale for $2.67 which was the only reason I bought it in the first place then the total was over $3 and I was like what? I thought it was $2.67 and she said CRV and she pointed on the screen that it shows .60¢ CRV charge. That's .05¢ per can. Yeah, you are damned right I'm recycling that shit.
Bakersfield Californian Newsbloid
Since I don't even read the newspaper I shouldn't have an opinion but I think having a newspaper that looks like a tabloid is weird. That one that this guy is reading looks so thin, why do they even bother printing the news if it's that small? Why not just abandon the newspaper altogether if you can't even print it a respectable size?
Or, and this is just a suggestion, why not have more stories to tell? First they shrink the newspaper down now they are shrinking it way down and stapling it.
I don't know, I think it looks neat because it's smaller and probably easier to hold since it's all stapled like a tabloid so it's not falling apart while you are reading it and when you go to read the different sections you don't have to fidget with all that paper.
But still, it doesn't look like a newspaper. It looks too strange to be a newspaper. How are all the spies supposed to hide their face when they are holding what looks like a tabloid? Now if you are holding it up to your face people will know you are trying to hide your face because you are holding your arms high up to cover your face. It just doesn't look right.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Are we alone?
Now do you still think that there are no aliens after seeing that video? How can Earth be the only planet out of 100 billion galaxies with intelligent life? It's impossible that Earth is the only one that is alive.
They may not all be human-like or maybe some of them are. Maybe some planets have dinosaurs, maybe some have little green men but you can't be so arrogant to think that there are no other "people" out there.
All those stories about alien visitors and anal probes are probably true. I'm disappointed that I was never taken and probed lol.
Jesse back on Big Brother?
Last night I was watching the Soup on E! and they showed a clip of this psycho woman in the Big Brother house, she was in this room where this guy was sleeping and she got in bed and was staring at him sleeping. Then they showed her diary session talking about how he shouldn't piss her off because she is PSYCHO!
Well she called him Jesse and I thought, nah, it couldn't be. But on The Soup they showed a picture of Jesse from the last season of BB and I wasn't sure if it was really him that she was watching in bed because of the green night vision and all.
So last night around 1am I was laying in bed thinking about it so I turned the tv on and put it on Showtime 2 to Big Brother After Dark and right away they showed Jesse from BB10 sitting there talking.
OMG!!! He's back? Why? Why of all the people did they bring him back? Is it because he felt like he was screwed the first time even though he was a dick the entire time he was there? What happened? Why did they bring him back of all the people?
I think if anyone should've been brought back for a 2nd chance it should be Steven because he didn't have a chance in hell because he was friends with Brian who was kicked out the first week. So if anyone should get a 2nd chance it should be Steven.
Oh well, I really don't care lol.
Black Widow
So last night when I let the dog out and I saw the spider I went back in the house to grab a shoe cause I was bare foot and when I came back it was still on it's strong mofo web. I smashed it with my flip flop but it wasn't easy getting through that strong ass web. It was so strong I could hear it making a crinkle sound and I could feel how strong it was too. It was like this spider was eating her spinach or something like Popeye that it's web was strong to the finish lol.
So after I smashed it there was all this brown crap all over my shoe, yes, brown. I think that Black Widow spiders are from another planet. Well, I guess if the guts were green then maybe so who knows. LOL
It's scary how many black widow spiders are lurking around our house. I'm always killing them either in the green can that we put our grass and leaves in or in the back yard or in the garage or our indoor patio. Luckily I haven't seen any inside the house, at least they respect me enough that they stay outside lol as if they respect anyone.
Oh so after I killed the spider, the web was still on my shoe and this web is so strong, I wouldn't say it was difficult but I could feel how stuck it was. But the web wasn't made like a regular spiders web, it was just strings here and there with no real pattern. Kinda strange.
Here is the Wiki on the Black Widow also known as Latrodectus hesperus. This even mentions how strong the webs are.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Scooby Doo Chia Pet Time Lapse Video
Lego Harry Potter
The leaky cauldon has reported on June 1st 2009 (and naturally I missed that announcement) that TT Games and Warner Brothers teamed up to bring Lego Harry Potter years 1-4 which is set for release some time in 2010. Check out this video:
Oh My God Becky! I am so excited I could just barf right here right now. Ok first of all I've read all 7 books and I've seen all 6 movies. I am super stoked about this lol. I have all the other Lego video games on my PSP. Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Batman and I look forward to adding this to my collection and I look forward to when they announce Lego HP 5-7.
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Video On Demand
For those who do not live in Bakersfield, CA and do not have Bright House cable or any other service provider that doesn't have On Demand, it's the best thing since the DVR.
In fact you don't even need to own a DVR for this. Hell, you can just toss out your VCR for that matter.
You just flip to the On Demand channel of choice. Take for example Primetime On Demand. They have all the networks, CBS, FX, NBC, USA just to name a few. You choose the network of the show you want to watch. Then once it has a list of all that networks shows then you scroll to find your show and click Select then find the episiode you want to watch and push the B button to play it. It has very very limited commercial interruption too. Like instead of having to wait 2 or 3 minutes you just have to endure a 30 second commercial here and there. That's it.
It's not just Primetime on Demand. There is HBO and Showtime on Demand which will allow you to watch all the movies you have missed when they aired and you can pause, rewind and even fast forward. If you missed True Blood then wait until the next day and see it on demand. Or if you were just a half an hour late just click the Select button for the Start Over feature. You can't forward in that mode, just pause but that's ok, you don't want to cheat now do you?
The reason I brought it up is because I missed Merlin last night on NBC but they don't have last nights episode there. I checked the tv guide website and apparently there was no episode last night so I gotta wait another week lol. That kinda bites but whacha gonna do eh?
Last Night for Chia Time Lapse
So on Tuesday morning I started it up again at every 5 minutes instead of every 1 minute. I checked and there are 1200 pictures so that's pretty good. I've still been moving it accidentally every day practically lol. Oops! I try to move it back to the way it was but I'm sure I didn't get it exactly right. I'll find out when the software I bought puts the video together.
I found a good song online (for free) that I'm going to use against the time lapse. I also have footage of me spreading the seeds and stuff. I'm also going to do a short 1 minute video after I hit the stop button on the laptop that will be on after the time lapse.
I can't wait.
Video Professor Free?
I ordered my "free" lesson and when it finally came in the mail I saw the fine print. It's free for a certain amount of time. After that specific time is up they automatically charge your credit card $70.
I got the Frontpage lessons because I thought I was getting it for free for the cost of shipping. I saw the warning and immediately called the number and told them I am sending it back the next day as soon as I wake up lol. There is no way I am rich enough to be able to afford $70 for lessons for a program that I've been using since 1997 that I am clearly able to use without any of their lessons. I just thought that they would be able to tell me something I didn't know but every lesson in there was something I am aware of lol.
It would be one thing if they charged $20 plus shipping for a lesson, that's at least reasonable but $70 that's a bit much. Is it false advertising that they say it's free then you find out it's $70? I think it is.
Ok I have to admit something. This happened like 2 years ago lol. I just saw the commercial and it jogged my memory and so I thought I would blog about it lol.
The Bakersfield Californian Tabloid
The Bakersfield Californian will change to a tabloid-size product on Monday through Friday starting on Monday, Aug. 17. One of its many benefits is a unique new Classifieds section complete with color-coded sections for ease of use.
That is a quote from their Facebook page. You know they charge .80 cents for their paper and then the store charges you .05 cents on top of that. So we pay .85 cents for the newspaper that takes Chip 10 minutes to read lol. It's kind of a rip off if you ask me. I personally don't ever read the newspaper, why should I when I can just watch the news you know? I don't care about the classifieds, cartoons, obituaries etc.
What I want them to do is put their newspaper on the Kindle because I really want an excuse to get a Kindle lol so maybe if it were kindlized I might buy a Kindle. I already asked them and they said that they have a digital version but in a PC only program.
I bet you anything if they change to tabloid sized newspaper the price will go up again.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Roast of Joan Rivers
The panel or they call it Dais were so so. I think it was about 50/50. One of the people on there I've never heard of, Whitney Cummings. Who the hell is she? I appreciate a good gay joke but come on, this ho bag made a crack about Mario Cantone having AIDS and about him being a child molester. Sorry but it's not funny. And they kept making these fried chicken and watermelon jokes about Robin Quivers. Also not funny.
They filmed this in July 2009 which was around the time that 4 stars passed away, one of them being David Caradine. I think there were about 3 jokes about him which I think was too soon for that. Yes it was funny but still too soon.
Also TV Guide said that Lily Tomlin was going to be in it but she wasn't. That was disappointing because I love her and I would've loved to see her make fun of the panel.
I think the best moment in this show was the beginning when Joan came out onto the stage with 6 children with price tags on them and she said that Brad and Angelina were having a garage sale lol.
The only 2 comedians that I liked on there were Kathy Griffin and Jeffrey Ross. Besides the terrible fried chicken joke to Robin he was pretty good. He was probably the best one out of them all of course besides Kathy Griffin and of course besides Joan Rivers at the very end. She did pretty good too.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Hart Park Trip Postponed
I haven't been on the bicycle in weeks and it really is upsetting to me because I'm gaining weight, most of the weight I worked so hard to get rid of. I went through weeks of plateau and frustration just to undo all of that.
I will eventually get back on the bike and I will get right back to my route and some day get all the way to Hart Park. I just know it.
Tru Blood Beverage
At that price I would rather it did have blood inside of it.
Snitch On Your Mom
The White House is under fire for a blog post asking supporters to send "fishy" information received through rumors, chain e-mails and casual conversations to a White House e-mail address,
Conservatives have pounced on the request, accusing the White House of acting Orwellian.
"If you get an e-mail from your neighbor and it doesn't sound right, send it to the White House?"said Sen. John Barasso, R-Wyo. " People, I think all across America are going to say is this 1984? What is happening here? Is big brother watching?"
Radio host Rush Limbaugh accused the White House of using heavy-handed tactics.
"They're looking for tattletales,"he said. "They're looking for snitches. They're looking for informants."
I don't know what they are looking for but I think that it's starting to look like communism. It said in the top paragraph chain emails and casual conversation. So what if I'm sitting in a room talking to my cousin and he starts bashing health care I'm supposed to what, get on my cell phone and start sending an email to the white house? I'm supposed to snitch on my cousin as he's talking then just tell him I'm checking the weather?
Uh, I don't think so. Ain't happenin big bro. That reminds me of the tv series in the 80's called "V" which ABC is remaking and will air in 2010 about these aliens who come to earth and they say they come in peace and all they want is to borrow some of our water but what they really want is food... us. How does that remind me? Because the supporters of the aliens were informants and they were snitching on their mother, father, sisters, brothers, best friends. Anyone who wasn't supportive of the aliens they turned them in. I'm not turning anyone in so the president can eat them.
I mean what are they going to do to the person that I'm asked to snitch on? Are they going to put them in prison and clog up the courts and use more tax dollars to warehouse and feed these people that I snitch on? Yeah, ain't happenin'. First of all I would never snitch on anybody no matter how big of a supporter I am which I'm not but if I did have my nose 3 inches up Obamas ass I still wouldn't snitch on anybody. That's stupid for them to even ask gawd.
I found the blog that Newsmax copied and pasted to their email to me.
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"
Friday, August 07, 2009
Boycotting the Bahamas
The main reason I was close to tears and in some cases I was tearing is because when my mom confronted me about being gay when I was 17 just before she kicked me out of the house, she told me "Do me a favor, don't ever have kids". What a cruel thing to say. It touched my heart that these people are able to have children and their teenage kids stand up for their parents and they don't let anyone give them shit.
The cruise started out in New York and they went all the way to the Bahamas and back. When they got to Key West Florida, not only did they have out the welcome mat but they had a parade for them. But as soon as they got to the Bahamas they were met by protesters from the Bahama churches.
Now I realize that those protesters do not represent the whole of the Bahamas but seeing that turnout turns me off. I will never ever in my life go to the Bahamas knowing there are that many homophobes running around allowed to breed. And I would expect that anyone who is gay would boycott this place.
There are lots of other places you can go like Jamaica or heck, Florida. Who really needs to go to the Bahamas that bad when we have beaches in our own country. Heck I would go to Venice Beach over going to the Bahamas any day. At least in Venice Beach you got muscle men working out in full view of everyone and best of all you are keeping your money local.
My cousin got married in the Bahamas the day before my birthday and I was invited to go but I didn't have the money. I wanted to go, I would've loved to spend my birthday in the Bahamas but I'm glad now that I didn't go because I was able to see their true colors thanks to the Rosie cruise.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
My Pez Collection
There are a couple collections that I wasn't quite sure about like the first one with all the bugs. I'm not sure what those are from. I think 2 of them are from Bee movie but then some are from Bugs, I don't know. They are all bugs so I just added them together lol. Then there are the Madagascar ones, I accidentally added a panda to it not knowing where it belongs but apparently that collection only has 3, not 4. But I don't care lol.
The very last picture is all of them on the shelf (except for the boxes and the petz, those are on another shelf). I made that shelf by the way out of very very thin wood that I found at Home Depot when we were still living in Hollywood. It started out as a smaller shelf but then I kept adding to it so I had to buy more wood and made another shelf. I'm getting to the point where I think I'm gonna need to plan a bigger shelf lol.
I wanted to compile all of these pictures into a video and put on YouTube but I looked at other peoples videos and they all put mine to shame so I thought that they just deserved a blog post at least lol.
Edit 8/28/09: I went to Walgreens today and they already have the Halloween stuff in their seasonal aisle so I went to look at the Pez dispensers and they have the new glow in the dark Bat Pez. I added the picture above next to the pez dispenser collection rack. Click on it to see full size.