Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sick (Part 2)

I took my temperature and I'm 100.3. I feel really achy, dizzy, congested (nasal and chest), sore throat and I just have that feeling of dread. You know that feeling that you think you are going to die lol. I also have loss of appetite. You know what this means don't you? VACATION!!! Hehe. No, I wish, I still have to do the dishes and scoop the litter box. I still have chores. I've locked myself in my bedroom so Chip doesn't get it. If he gets sick I'm going to have to take care of him in addition to my chores and I'm gonna get sick again. It's a bad chain that we can never break. That's why my door is closed and I'm only going out to use the bathroom.

Ghost Hunters

Wow, tonight's Ghost Hunter's episode was really good. They caught 2 EVP's that were really good. Well 3 actually but one of them wasn't speaking English, you couldn't understand what he was saying. The woman that owned the building said it sounds like Polish to her. The other voices which was in the attic sounded like he was saying "We want" but they think it was saying "What do you want?" which makes a lot more sense. I think he was saying what do you really fast so it sounded like we. Then Tango was up in the attic and he was basically cussing the ghost out and you could hear when Tango took a breath a voice that said "Leave me alone". Awesome.

I've always believed in ghosts no matter what people say back to me. When I was a kid I used to see my grandmother Mimi or so I thought it might be her. I don't know for sure what it was. And ever since we've been in Bakersfield I've been feeling what seems to be a cat jumping up on either the couch and my bed. I'm not afraid of a cat ghost because I know that cats are innocent creatures and they don't have any evil inside them. Dogs are different though. Take Cujo for example hehe.