Friday, July 24, 2009

Shrinking Jug Keeps Milk Fresh For Another Week

Check this out from

Shrinking Jug Keeps Milk Fresh For Another Week

That is so cool!  I want one.  All you do is pour your new gallon of milk into it and then close it.  When you want some milk you just push the button and the milk pours into your glass or cereal bowl and the container shrinks in the process.  Since we always buy 2 gallons of milk I think it would be appropriate to buy 2 of these.  Although if one of these containers cost $20 - $100 then perhaps 1 will do lol.

It works by keeping the air out so when you open the milk it starts going bad because the air does something to it... just read the article, it makes more sense when they say what it does.

Obama's Beef with Cambridge Police

By now everyone who has a television or reads a newspaper or even surfs the internet (and if none of those you at least have a friend who told you) you know about this whole thing with Obama saying the word "stupidly" about the Cambridge police about their arrest of the Harvard professor in his home.

Well little did you know, Obama has a reason to be so spiteful.  Check this out:

'Scofflaw' Obama Grudge Against Cambridge Police?

Now, I would think that you, as a president, who wanted to hide this before running for president would want to keep quiet about all of your deadbeat years.  But nooooo you just had to say something that made people dig up your past showing us your true colors.

I don't talk about certain things in my blog that would offend anyone such as religion and politics but I just had to add this article.

Back Meds

I went to the neurologist today for my regular appointment for my carpel tunnel syndrome and I mentioned the problems with my back and they gave me a steroid and a muscle relaxer.

I have to take one of them every 8 hours and the other one I have to take 6 pills today, 5 tomorrow 4 day after, 3 day after that, 2 day after that and then 1 on the last day.

I really hope this pain is gone at the end of this because I really want to resume my exercise.  I'm going to add strength exercises as well because I think that my back muscles just were not prepared for this new seat.