Thursday, January 15, 2009


I was just watching Bridezillas on WE.  Why?  Don't ask.  But omg these women are either classless or nuts.  This one woman couldn't stop yelling at everyone.  If she could only see herself.  One of the things she said was "this isn't his wedding, it's my wedding".  LOL ok.  If I was the guy getting married to her I would've told her to get married by herself because this isn't just her day, it's his day too.

Frankly I don't see why people are in such a hurry to get married and why it's such a big deal that they have to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars that they don't really have.  You could just have a simple wedding at home or at a relatives house who has a large back yard where you can just buy groceries and cook a buffet meal and bake your own cake.  And why spend thousands of dollars on a wedding dress you are only going to wear once.  Just get a nice wedding dress that is under a hundred that you can actually afford.

A lot of people can't get married you know so I think that they should think about how lucky they are that their wedding is actually acceptable to society before they act so high and mighty about being in such a hurry to get married.  I don't know the numbers but a lot of marriages end in divorce, especially the rushed ones.

Naughty Words on TV

I've been watching TV for a very long time.  At least 36 of my 38 years that I can remember.  I remember when I Love Lucy couldn't say 1 bad word.  It actually wasn't until the 80's when the Golden Girls started saying Bitch.  Then before you know it, cop dramas started saying Shit.  Hey, if they can say it on TV, then I can say it in here.

The cartoon South Park says a lot of bad words like God Damn.  They say it all the time.  That's like the ultimate bad word because it has God in it.  You can't say that on tv.  Well, apparently they can because they do and they've carried it over to every other show on tv.

Now, this word I know isn't a bad word, in fact it's just silly.  Douche Nozzle.  I've been calling people a douche bag for years since I was in junior high school, even though I had no clue what it was until high school.  But you know, people have been saying that as long as douche's have been around I'm sure.

Last night, on Knight Rider, the female lead Sarah called Michael a douche nozzle lol.  I was like OMG I can't believe she just said that.  Yeah I've heard it in the movies but I've never heard it on TV coming from a woman.  And I don't mean that to sound like a double standard so I don't want to get emails or bad comments but you know, I was shocked to hear it from HER.  LOL