Monday, September 21, 2009

Holiday Light Sets for my blog

Ok I've already made 10 light sets for my blog for Halloween.  I know of some more light sets but I didn't know how to make them but I just figured it all out.  Tomorrow I'm going to be adding other light sets to my Halloween string.  I'm gonna go nuts with all the light sets hehe.  You can only see them 1 at a time when you load the page so if there is a lot to choose from you will never be bored with the same 2 lol.  I have 10 now but imagine that tomorrow I might have 20 more lol.  I'm goin nuts tomorrow when I wake up lol.

It's not just Halloween though, the possibilities are endless.  I'm thinking about cartoon lights like the simpsons, family guy, mickey mouse etc.  I'm even thinking about adding an icon of all of my friends and family members heads in a string just to show that I can lol.  Awesome.

Here is a taste so far.


More to come later.

Drop Everything, and Read!

Drop Everything, and Read! - Source

The teacher shouts, "Drop Everything and Read!" and students settle into their seats to read books they've selected.

This independent reading is much more than a just-sit-there-and-read experience. It gives the teacher a structured time to touch base with each student over a period of time, assess progress, and target instruction. Even more important, it gives students time to read what they want to read, share what they've read, and receive the support they need for further reading explorations and reflections.

Brilliant!  Absolutely brilliant.  When I was a kid my mother read a story to me and my sister every night before bed after she tucked us in.  But then those stories went away when she got pregnant with my younger sister.  I remember reading some books in my youth such as the Hardy Boys books and Ramona the pest.  I had a bunch of those books with pictures that are easy for children to read like Curious George.  I wasn't a huge reader in my childhood though, I mean when it comes to novels but I did read books meant for children.  I also read lots of comic books lol.

I think that this is a very good idea.  Drop everything and read for 15 minutes.  Brilliant.  But is 15 minutes really enough time?  And should this be something that is strictly for schools?  I think that this should be adopted at home too.  All of a sudden your parents go "STOP EVERYTHING AND READ".  But not 15 minutes.  I mean sure, if it's one of those books with pictures that only takes 10 minutes to read fine, 15 minutes is fine.  It will give the children with ADD and Dyslexia a chance to re-read each sentence.  But I think that they should read for a bit longer.  Maybe 2 hours?

Reading should be something that is mandatory for all children and adults. The drama stirs the imagination and that is what brings ideas to life.  How can a child think of something to draw if there is nothing brewing up there in the old noggin if he/she isn't reading?

J.K. Rowling brought Harry Potter to us all, children and adults.  Before that I'd say that I haven't read a book since my childhood.  In 2006 I decided that I need to start reading and so my first novel was a Buffy novel but that lead to reading Harry Potter which was by far the easiest thing to read.

Well I think that it's a good idea and they should make it longer and should be brought into the home.  Maybe if the kids stopped playing video games and started reading then perhaps it might get them to get out of the house and go play with their friends.  That way they can get some exercise.  That is if the parents aren't too paranoid to let their kids go out the front door.

Gay Christmas

This guy on YouTube named Mikey, he raises a very good question about Christmas.  Watch this.


I left a comment:

You know that's a very interesting point. They want to take the word "marriage" away from us so we can't get married but we can have a civil union so why shouldn't they tell us that we can't call it Christmas. The jewish people have Hanukkah but they have a decorated tree in their living room called a Hanukkah bush (I had a Jewish best friend when I was 9). I say we should call it a gay bush especially if it's pink and purple lol.

That wasn't a joke.  In fact this whole post isn't a joke.  I think that gay Christians who do go to church to celebrate Christmas the way it is meant to be should do their thing.  No problem.  But for the rest of us who don't celebrate it for Jesus Christ, who celebrate it more for Santa Claus should think about calling it something else.  Not just the tree but the holiday itself.

Jewish people have Hanukkah, African American people have Kwanzaa, Christians have Christmas.

You can say that Christians don't want gay people to partake in anything that is Christian because after all, we are sinning against god by being alive right?  So why should we celebrate Christmas at all?  Why shouldn't we just call it something else for ourselves?  I'll be damned if they are going to take Christmas away from me so I think that we should change it for us.  I think it's only fair that we have a holiday for ourselves.  We can't have the word marriage but we can have union, to me it's the same deal.


No, and if you try to push it, then the majority of Christians will just say, see...they are trying to destroy everything God set up. I am a Christian, but I disagree with the majority on gay marriage. I realize Christmas has become a celebration not related to Christ at all, and that is fine. Really, it is a pagan holiday that Christians stole anyway. Christmas is Christmas so lets just leave it alone.

WHAT?  Christians stole Christmas from the pagans?  If it belonged to the Pagans then it wasn't meant as a holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ then right?  Then shit, it's not "gods" holiday anyway so we can change it for ourselves!  Then we can also "steal" it and change it's name.

Edit: Here we go... "Winter Solstice".  That sounds perfect.  How about Gay Solstice but you don't see the word gay but solstice is in rainbow colors.
