WOOHOO I just read at www.pspfanboy.com that the GPS for PSP is coming to the US in 9 months YAY! I can't wait. If the GPS is coming in 9 months the camera and tv tuner wont be too far behind. You know what this means don't you? That will make the PSP the ultimate device. As it is the PSP is a mp3 player, a picture viewer, movie player, game machine, website browser, cell phone and internet radio player. All we need now are the GPS, Camera and TV tuner. The PSP already has the camera option in the pictures menu so we don't need to worry, just plug in the camera and were set.
EDIT: Ok, I just read some more news, the camera for the PSP will never see the US so you have to buy it from an asia website and unfortunately it's back ordered lol. But I have a camcorder with a SD card that I can do video on mini DVD's as well as take pictures with the SD card so I don't care about that but the good news is that the GPS hardware is coming this holiday season which is faster than 9 months. It's more like 4 or 5 months which is awesome. I can't wait because when we take trips I have to use my laptop for our GPS and it gets hot sitting on my lap and if I have the GPS for PSP I can just get a mount for it.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Skype for PSP
About a month or so ago Sony added Skype to their Sony PlayStation Portable but you have to buy the headset with the microphone and the remote control. Of course not long after that they created the combination for sale. Before you could only buy the headphones with mic by itself and then you'd have to additionally buy the headphones with the remote control. You need the remote control for it to work.
I have started thinking about how maybe it is a good thing because if you have a cell phone and have unlimited calls that's fine but I don't. I have a pre-paid cell phone and so my calls cost .40 cents per minute. It's especially frustrating when I am roaming. I think I should be able to call out for free on a cell phone like everyone else. Of course with Skype it is only free if you call other Skype users, otherwise you can buy time which is like 500 or 600 minutes for $10 which isn't bad or you can pay $2.95 a month for unlimited calls (which is about 10,000 calls per month, they added that in there).
But you have to be in a wifi hotspot to be able to take advantage of that. I don't know what T-Mobile has for you to use though. I was given a 6 month free wifi hotspot thing with the purchase of the PSP which I have not used yet because I don't take it with me everywhere I go. I'm thinking that maybe the $10 phone card is a good idea cause I probably wouldn't use it all the time and that 5 or 600 minutes wouldn't expire after a month, you keep the minutes until you've used them up.
As soon as I get the money I'm going to think about getting the headset with mic from Game Stop and then setting an account up for me. I think it's a good deal. And I want to see what T-Mobile does for PSP users per month.
I have started thinking about how maybe it is a good thing because if you have a cell phone and have unlimited calls that's fine but I don't. I have a pre-paid cell phone and so my calls cost .40 cents per minute. It's especially frustrating when I am roaming. I think I should be able to call out for free on a cell phone like everyone else. Of course with Skype it is only free if you call other Skype users, otherwise you can buy time which is like 500 or 600 minutes for $10 which isn't bad or you can pay $2.95 a month for unlimited calls (which is about 10,000 calls per month, they added that in there).
But you have to be in a wifi hotspot to be able to take advantage of that. I don't know what T-Mobile has for you to use though. I was given a 6 month free wifi hotspot thing with the purchase of the PSP which I have not used yet because I don't take it with me everywhere I go. I'm thinking that maybe the $10 phone card is a good idea cause I probably wouldn't use it all the time and that 5 or 600 minutes wouldn't expire after a month, you keep the minutes until you've used them up.
As soon as I get the money I'm going to think about getting the headset with mic from Game Stop and then setting an account up for me. I think it's a good deal. And I want to see what T-Mobile does for PSP users per month.
Monday, July 28, 2008
No Word From Shelley
Well, today was Monday and I sent that letter to Shelley on Thursday so she should've gotten it on Saturday. I was thinking maybe she might get it on Monday and then I'd hear from her since I didn't hear from her on the weekend. But, I didn't hear from her today so I'm thinking that I will probably get it back in the mail tomorrow (return to sender, person doesn't live here anymore) or perhaps it went into the garbage can. Maybe she or whoever she lives with thought it was junk mail and trashed it. I think if I don't get it back in the mail that maybe she thought it was junk because of the labels so I might try again with a new letter but writing "Shane" as the return address and writing her address on the envelope instead of using a label. I also might think about using the other address that I have for her since there were 2 addresses in the thing that I got from US Search. I won't give up just yet. I might also think about printing that picture as a little tiny sticker and use it to seal the envelope. You won't be able to miss that.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Well, I guess I gotta wait and wonder for another day or so. I didn't get a phone call from Shelley today like I was expecting. I can only think that she didn't get it in the mail or it went to her moms house and she didn't go get it or something. Or, they don't live there anymore and I will get it back in a few days. I can only wait and see.
Anxiously waiting
Yes I realize watching the phone isn't going to make it ring. I sent Shelley the letter and it should've arrived today and it's 5pm now which means she should've been off work by now unless she works at night however in which case I will have to wait until tomorrow, she probably hasn't checked her mail yet. At any rate, I sit here waiting anxiously for her to call.
Doctor Who Season 1
Well I just finished watching the last episode in Season 1 of Doctor Who from 1963/64. I look forward to seeing Season 2. It starts out with Planet of the Giants and then it goes on to the Daleks invading Earth hehe. I really look forward to the original Cybermen which is the first story in Season 5 which is the 2nd Doctor.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Not Much Going On
Not much happening today. I've watched the first 25 episodes of Series 1 (british seasons are series) 1 which was the first 3 dvd's of Doctor Who from 1963/64. It's so cool being able to see it from the very beginning. Tomorrow I hope to watch the 4th disc, Saturday I probably wont be able to watch much because I'm so hoping that Shelley will get my letter by then and call me so we can talk. Still, I hope to have the entire series 1 watched so I can move on to the next season. The next to last episode of the current doctor who (David Tennant) is going to be on Sci-Fi channel tomorrow night, the last episode is next friday. Well, took my ambien so hope to be in bed soon.
Letter to Shelley
Today I called the phone number I got for Shelley my high school girlfriend and it was a fax so I had to write a letter to her. I tried writing it but my handwriting is so horrible that I had to type it out. I've relied on the computer for too long and now my handwriting is worse than ever and it hurts my hand to write. So anyway, I typed it out and printed it and my stupid printer wouldn't print black so I had to make it maroon lol. I went to write the name and address on the envelope and it was so hard to read so I just made a label and forgot to make it maroon and it printed in black lol. I don't get it. It wont print black on paper but it will print black on a label. Oh and I printed out the picture of me and her mom and it printed fine. Oh well, maybe it's time for new paper. Ok so anyway, I sent it to her and she should get it by Saturday so all I can do is leave it up to her to call me. If you get this and you look at my blog first let me plead for you to call me Shelley. I have no ill intentions, I just want our friendship back.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
My High School Girlfriend
Ok so tonight I was on MySpace and I was looking at the picture I have as my main picture which is of me at age 16 sitting with my high school girlfriends mother Jewell and it occured to me that perhaps shelley was on MySpace so I looked for her but to my dismay she wasn't there. So, while I was looking I decided to go to the Yahoo yellow pages thing and click people (like the white pages) and it found her but it wouldn't give me any information. It also listed her mom and dad and so I knew it was her. So, I called 1-800-free-411 because regular 411 is $1 and so the free 411 didn't have her last name listed so I called regular 411 and naturally they didn't have her listed either. So, I went back to the USA Search thingy and paid $4.95 and of course they tacked on another $1. So I found her address, there is actually 3 addresses listed and a phone number. I'm pretty sure the phone number is for her mothers house but I won't know until I call her. Since I got the information after 10pm I have to wait until tomorrow to call because I don't call people after 9pm. The wait is killing me though lol. I hope she doesn't reject me.
Here is the picture on my My Space page:
Here is the picture on my My Space page:
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I Need More Friends
Everyday when I get on my computer I load AIM and Yahoo messenger and it's the same thing everyday. Nobody is ever online. There are a few people who come online but I'm not allowed to IM them at certain times. Like take for example my friend Alyce. I can't IM her during the day because she is working so I have to wait until 6pm to ask her if she's still working and the last week she hasn't been online at all. She goes invisible so nobody will IM her. My sister is online on Yahoo but she is also at work and she doesn't like to be bothered by me anyway so I just don't bother IMing her. I don't know what I did but she's usually short with me. Then there are a few other people that I never IM because they always have their away message on. I have a bunch of people on my buddy lists but usually only 5% of them are ever online and that 5% doesn't want to talk to me. I need more friends.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Bored at 1am
Do you ever get to the point in your life that even though it is 1am and you are bored silly you just don't want to go to bed? I don't know what it is but I just can't seem to go to bed before 2 or 3am. And I don't want to.
Cat Spirits
Ever since we moved to Bakersfield I have had the feeling that we aren't alone. When we lived in the 1 bedroom house next door I slept on the couch and there were so many times that I'd be laying on the couch and it felt like my cat jumped up on the couch and walked over to my chest area and I'd open my eyes but there was nothing there. Then when we moved into the big house I had a bedroom and sometimes when I am laying down on the bed I can feel a cat jumping up, because when a real cat jumps on the bed it puts some pressure on the bed because of the cats weight and then you can feel the cat walking around on the bed. So one time Chip was laying on my bed and he had his eyes closed but he wasn't sleeping and he was holding the dog and he knew the cat was outside on the patio and he asked me if our cat jumped up on the bed and I turned around and saw no cat and said I am so glad you felt that too because I am always feeling that. So that brings me to my point. Last night I was laying in bed and I felt 3 cats jump on my bed. 1 on each side of me and one between my legs and I could feel it putting pressure on my blanket and I could feel it like kneeding the blanket on my leg. I am not afraid of cat spirits and so I held out both hands and said here kitty kitty kitty and asked them to come closer to me but I just felt them near my leg area. I think it's kinda cool.
Blog Just To Blog
I'm bored so I'm blogging hehe. I'm sitting here with nothing to do. I am thinking of playing with my PSP. I want to get on EverQuest but something is going on and I can't log in and stay in for some reason. When I finish downloading Doctor Who then I will defrag and see if that will help. I want to use my new pedometer but it's too hot outside to go for a long walk. Whenever I go outside for too long then come back in I'm hot for the rest of the day but when I just stay in all day long it's not as miserable. Then again I could get in the shower and use warm water then slowly turn the hot off completely so that the water is really cold until I'm shivering like a chihuahua then get out of the shower. Hmmm I might just do that. NOT!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Talking Pedometer
Awhile ago, I think about 3 - 4 weeks ago I bought a talking pedometer from Publishers Clearing House and it finally arrived today. Now, I can see how many steps I take and it tells me how many calories I've burned. So it sort of gives me a bit more motivation to go walking because when I walk I can see how many calories I've burned. And it talks. Which I really don't see any really good use for that because you can barely hear it, you have to hold it up to your ear to hear it and even then it's still not great.
Doctor Who 1963/64
I am downloading Doctor Who from 1963/64. Ever since they introduced the new Doctor Who in 2005 I've been watching it on Sci-Fi channel and I got curious about what the doctor was like at the beginning because there are 26 seasons of the original Doctor Who. You can't help but be curious. I've already watched the first 13 out of 43 episodes (actually there are 42 in the first season but I'm counting the unaired pilot in that) and it's pretty good. There are so many episodes that were lost by the BBC and so this company has reconstructed the episodes with audio and some pictures that were saved from each of these episodes. I actually read that not all the episodes have "telesnaps" so I look forward to seeing what those episodes are like. I'm hoping to be able to download all 26 seasons but that will take a long time and use a lot of dvd+r's hehe. I wanted to buy them but they are rediculously expensive, about $50 for 4 episodes and each episode is only half hour so you can see why I'm downloading.
There's A Fly In My... Coffee?
YUCK I made a pot of coffee and I had a cup of coffee then I went back for a 2nd cup and decided to pour it into the carafe. I like to put it in the carafe because it doesn't use any electricity and it keeps the coffee hot. After I had filled the carafe I went to pour the rest in my cup and I noticed a fly floating in the coffee pot. OMG I had to dump out the entire pot out and then go throw up lol. Actually I didn't throw up because I had just eaten and taken my pills and I didn't want to waste them. But I wanted to lol.
I Can Blog Again
Finally I can blog again. It has been driving me crazy that I couldn't blog. I wanted to blog about this woman who was rude to me and I wanted to blog about Big Brother 10 and now I can. Although, the moment has passed for those 2 things so if I have something else to say about it now I can.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Kitchen Faucet
For the last 4 years that we've been living in this house I have been bitching about how bad the water pressure is in the kitchen. I thought it was the pipes and it was an internal thing so we just never went out and got a new faucet. So yesterday we were at the hardware store for something totally unrelated and while we were there Chip said while were here let's get a new faucet so we did. About half hour or so after we got home I went in there, too everything out from under the sink and that was a lot of stuff and changed it. It was very difficult getting the old one off because the hot and cold hoses were screwed right next to each other because the old faucet was the kind with 1 handle that you move up then right for cold then left for hot. So I finally got it all off and put the new one on and the water pressure is so much better now. I almost had a hard time doing the dishes last night because the pressure was so good, I wasn't used to it and I was trying to make it so I didn't get too much water going for fear of wasting it hehe.
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