Saturday, September 12, 2009


So there hasn't been a new episode of Merlin for at least 2 or 3 weeks.  The last episode was 3 weeks ago on 8/23/09 so tomorrow will be the 3rd week in a row with no Merlin.  I checked the TV Guide website for the next 2 Sundays and it's not listed.

It's a shame too because Merlin was starting to come along.  They didn't show a season finale yet after 13 episodes or announce it was the season finale, they just stopped airing it.  Not even repeats.  If they still showed repeats then you know that it's still coming back but if they aren't even showing repeats then you know something is up, a possible cancellation maybe?

According to The Futon Critic, Merlin completed airing its current season.  Well that's odd that NBC didn't say "ok guys this is the season finale".  TV Guide has no news about Merlin either.  There are just 2 news articles, one of them has a picture of Merlin and Arthur but the news story is about True Blood lol which is odd.  The 2nd one is about how Americans like to "swipe and remake British programs" and that this one is authentic lol.  But nothing about whether or not the show is coming back or that it even went away for the season.

Well, if Merlin is indeed gone for the season then I will just have to wait until next season begins which is probably in June 2010 since this was a summer show.  Normally summer shows are 12 episodes and we got 13 so we should actually be lucky we got that at all.  I just wish they had told us that in the first place instead of just ending it abruptly.

Then again I always missed it on Sundays so I had to watch it on Primetime On Demand with Brighthouse Cable which allows you to find the show then watch it with limited commercial interruptions.  So really I don't know if they said it was the season finale or not lol.  So I can't really say they didn't say it because I wasn't watching it on tv to hear it so for all I know they could've said it was the season finale.  The only reason I say they didn't say it is because I looked at the comments that people left on the NBC website saying "where's Merlin? You left us hanging".  I had to search for it but I found the page that people were saying where did it go?  It was on the Episode Recap page.  Some quotes:

I love this show but what season finale? I have watched them all and looked forward to seeing them on Sunday evenings, SO is this it???? The story just got started...Please keep it on and keep going!!! - Lindy

DON'T cancel this show!!! It's fantastic and the characters have lots of room to grow. We watch it every week. - Greg

When is the next show? I have missed it the last 2 weeks - Patsy

there needs to be more Merlin. Please continue. I look forward to each episode, even though I am a grandmother of 3 teenagers. - Sandy

please bring back merlin I am lost without this program i am going crazy without it - Senior Age 62 (that's what this person said in place of name lol)

this show is awesome and i am sad that they stopped showing new episodes please bring more seasons and shows to come - Joe

Till next summer Merlin.

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