I personally can't stand it but Chip loves it. It just pisses me off and I get so mad that I have to get up and leave.
It's not them repossessing the cars but more how they do it. They are violent, they hit, shove, yell, scheme, and just act like total assholes the whole time and they are supposed to be in the right.
I'm sorry but it's not legal to just go around hitting people. If the person who you are basically stealing their car with all their stuff in it hits you first then hitting them is warranted but they are always the ones doing the hitting.
There was this one episode that really stands out for me where they snuck into this place where this jet was and they hid inside the office and as soon as the pilot came into the office their muscle man guy grabbed the pilot by the neck with his arm and held him up against the wall. For all this guy knew they were robbing him. He had no idea why they were there or why they were stealing the plane he was in charge of. He wasn't even the owner, just the pilot (that I know of).
It's not civilized to go around assaulting people. Just tell the person you are repo'ing their car, have them sign it and take it but don't go bullying and assaulting people. These people should've been arrested for assault and battery.
Yes I do realize that they have to repo because people are dead beats who don't pay their bills and I'm not excusing them. All I'm saying is that these repo people aren't acting like civilized human beings.
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