Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smallville Season 9

I'm very excited and anxious to see the new season of Smallville coming in a couple of weeks.  I was hoping that it would've began with Supernatural but they aren't even on the same day anymore.


Wow it looks like a very dark season according to this teaser trailer.  I'm glad to see Clark embracing his shield on his chest and sort of having a cape but it's all black instead of blue and red.  Come on Clark, where's the tights with the underwear on the outside and the boots and cape?  I want to know when the glasses are coming too because how are people supposed to be able to be fooled by the cape when he's not putting his trademark "glasses" disguise on.  I mean, is his disguise going to be that curl over his forehead?  Is he even gonna make that little curl?

This is a very long show, I mean Season 9?  That's pretty freakin' good.  I'm a little confused though.  It's supposed to be that when he gets his job with the Daily Planet that he already has a costume before he meets Lois.  Go ahead and watch the first Superman movie if you don't believe me.

I keep saying perhaps at the end of "this" season he will embrace his destiny and on the last episode he'll be wearing tights.  But no, now they are on Season 9 which don't get me wrong I'm glad they mixed it up but the show is going a bit off track.  Lex Luthor dies?  Clark never wears glasses?  Lana having powers?  Mom is a state senator living in D.C.?  Jimmy Olsen DIES!?!?  What?

I'm pretty sure that Lex is back though because they showed a naked body at the very end in the back yard from that thing that had all the light in it.  So I'm pretty sure that is Lex come back to life so they are at least saving him.  Maybe he will be eviler than ever, is that even a word?  Maybe, just maybe he will come back with no memory so he won't remember that he knows that Clark is really "the traveler" but then he will meet the Clark with the black cape and shield and think that this Clark is different than the real Clark in blue and red lol.  It's confusing!

Despite all the strange changes I still love the show, I'm still obsessed and I'm holding my breath until September 25th 2009.

Oh did you notice in this teaser Callum Blue?  He's going to play Zod and is already showing up in his IMDB profile as being in 9 episodes for 2009.  AWESOME!

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