Friday, November 23, 2007

Our Visit in San Diego

As you know we went to San Diego on Saturday morning / Friday night at around 2:30am November 16/17 2007 and we came home on Wednesday the 21st the day before Thanksgiving. We wanted to go early because Chip had appointments on Tuesday and Friday but he canceled the Tuesday one to stay until wednesday and I wanted to come home on Tuesday because of our cat. I only left her enough food and water to last a few days and when we came home her food dish and water was empty. She has the type of water dish that is like an arrowhead bottle. I don't know how many ounces of water it holds but it's not that much. If we were able to stay longer we would've but we couldn't. It's a shame we weren't there on Thanksgiving day. But while we were there we went to Sea World, San Diego Zoo and we also went to the San Diego natural history museum and saw the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I am going to work on those videos soon today if I can so I can get them on YouTube for all to enjoy. I took lots of pictures while I will have to scale down for the website. I mentioned in my previous blog about the buttons. What a trip that was. Chip also encountered his own wierd moment too. When he was a kid he had this desk in his bedroom, it was a really huge desk too and so anyway I guess when he left the nest he supposedly took it with him and somewhere along the way it got lost. Chip mentioned that his mom asked him about it many times before she passed on and he felt so guilty about losing it. Well while we were there Chips brother was showing him around the property and showed him this shed and inside the shed there was a huge desk and this was the desk that Chip thought he had lost. Apparently his brother had gotten it at some point. So all is well and he doesn't have to feel guilty anymore.

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