Saturday, December 01, 2007

Safe Holidays

I just wanted to wish everyone very safe holidays. There isn't really much going on here. I'm knitting stockings for Christmas and I want to make some ornaments for the tree which by the way we haven't decorated yet hehe. I put it up but it hasn't been decorated. I want to buy a PSP for myself because I deserve a treat, however, I can't find one anywhere, not even on the internet. I don't want a used one because my neighbor told me his has a virus, yes a virus. They can go to websites and you can catch a virus from a website so if you go to a website with a PSP you can get a virus and I'm sure used ones are at risk. I have a 50/50 chance of buying a infected PSP so I just feel I might as well buy a new one. The Core ones which are $165 or something. The ones that come with a game are $199. I could buy a Nintendo DS but those don't go to websites nor do they play movies or let you view your photos or work as a mp3 player. I also saw a PSP with GPS capabilities, I assume you can buy the GPS for any PSP. I will have to wait until after the holidays to try and buy one. I'm sure they will be on sale after Christmas and/or New Years Day.

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