Monday, January 14, 2008

Chip Was Robbed At Gun Point

Tonight Chip had to go to the ATM machine across the street to deposit $110 so he could pay his credit card bill when that cleared and when he got there he grabbed his sears card instead of his debit card so he had to walk back home. This guy was sitting on the brick wall across the street from the ATM machine watching him and saw Chip go across the street and turn onto 3rd street and waited until Chip got up to the front door then robbed him. He held the "gun" up to his neck and said this is a robbery give me all your money. Well Chip had the $110 ($100 dollar bill and 2 $5's) and handed it to the guy and the guy started digging into his pockets. Luckily he didn't find the rest of the money, he was in too much of a hurry so he took off. Chip isn't quite sure if it was a gun or if it was the guys finger but when you are in this situation there isn't time to think. He could've taken the keys and the car or possibly come into the house and robbed both of us.

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