Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Well I went to the neurologist today for a follow up appointment. My first appointment was to find out what was going on with my hands. At first they started getting numb when I would crochet and I got to the point where I didn't like to crochet anymore or do any crafts for that matter. Then they started going numb for no reason and next thing I knew my hands were constantly numb. When I would crochet I got this pinching in my right hand and sometimes in my left hand too, that's when I knew for sure I couldn't crochet anymore. I told my doctor about 3 or 4 times which was in a row, everytime I saw him, that my hands were numb and he would tell me it's because of this or that or the other. So finally I told him that my hands are numb constantly and I get a pinching in my hands too so he sent me to the neurologist. Well I went, he gave me a prescription for wrist splints for both hands to wear to bed so I do. A couple of weeks ago I went to get the nerve test which means they wrap these wires around 2 fingers then they take this thing that looks like a stun gun and they zap you on certain spots for a few seconds at a time and the computer does all the work. So today was the follow up to that and he said I have a very mild case of Carpel Tunnel syndrome but because they are not numb all the time (thanks to the wrist splints) that I don't need surgery, in fact he said it would be the very last resort so I have to see him in 2 months to see how it's going. I'm really happy I don't need surgery and my hands are good again as if nothing happened.

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