Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Afghan Project In The Making

A few nights ago I was watching tv, mainly flipping through channels and I came across a british comedy show on HBO. I don't recall the name of it but the two characters were in bed (twin beds in the same room) and one of them had a crocheted afghan on his bed. They were squares and I was able to see the pattern when they went close up on the guys face when he was talking so I pretty much know what to do. Each color was different and the squares all had a black border (used to sew the squares together). I thought it was so interesting and I have tons of yarn that are all different colors so I thought that since my hands are doing much better that I would do 2 squares a day until it's all finished then I can sew it all together. I'm sure that it will be finished by the time it starts cooling off after summer. And since they are squares I wont worry about crocheting for too much time per day because it doesn't take that long to make a square. I can't wait to see the finished product.

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