Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blog Just To Blog

I'm bored so I'm blogging hehe. I'm sitting here with nothing to do. I am thinking of playing with my PSP. I want to get on EverQuest but something is going on and I can't log in and stay in for some reason. When I finish downloading Doctor Who then I will defrag and see if that will help. I want to use my new pedometer but it's too hot outside to go for a long walk. Whenever I go outside for too long then come back in I'm hot for the rest of the day but when I just stay in all day long it's not as miserable. Then again I could get in the shower and use warm water then slowly turn the hot off completely so that the water is really cold until I'm shivering like a chihuahua then get out of the shower. Hmmm I might just do that. NOT!

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