Friday, August 22, 2008


I have the weirdest dreams. I had to blog this before I forgot it. I am already starting to forget most of the dream but the main thing I want to write about is that we were running around and we had these duffel bags and my duffel bag had a camcorder and my PSP and my house keys inside it along with clothes and whatever, I don't know what else actually. Anyway, we stopped carrying them and at some point we were passing where we left them and they were gone and I said our bags are gone and Chip looked at me like OMG WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW!!!! And I turned to him and said don't worry, this is just a dream. I will wake up and that stuff will be where it's supposed to be. Then when I did wake up I was like whew hehe. But I find it strange that I knew that it was a dream so I chose not to stress over it in my dream.

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