Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Fall Season

The new fall season begins next week and it's the perfect timing because Tuesday night is the last night for Big Brother. Monday will be the last night for Big Brother on Showtime after dark so I can start watching Eureka on Tuesdays at the regular time and Ghost Hunters on Wednesday at the regular time. Those 2 shows repeat so in case there is another show on at the same time I can watch the repeat. Here are the shows I will be watching:

Mondays: Heroes and Chuck both on NBC
Wednesdays: Knight Rider at 8pm on NBC, Pushing Daisies at 8pm on ABC.
Thursdays: Smallville and Supernatural both on CW
Fridays: Ghost Whisperer

I'm very disappointed that Reaper isn't on the list because that was a very good show.  Wednesday nights are going to be difficult because I watched Pushing Daisies last season so I'm going to watch that on ABC.  I wanted to see Knight Rider but it's on at the same time as Pushing Daisies so I'm gonna have to watch Knight Rider on the NBC website or I'll just have to download that one and put it on DVD's.  Another show that I like to watch is Medium but that doesn't start until January.

Edit: I just read at that Reaper will air mid season which looks like January like Medium.  So this means in January things will change because there will be 2 shows being added and those 2 shows might clash with another show I have which means I will probably end up having to either watch those shows the next day on their websites or download them.

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