Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Video Game Videos

Well, I'm sure there are people waiting for me to make some videos of my video gameplay for YouTube but I just can't find the time between watching That 70's show and Reba reruns and watching all new episodes of my shows and it just cuts into my lounging time.

In allseriousness, with my carpel tunnel syndrome I've been laying off the games because it makes my hands so numb and then I have to stop the video to shake it off.  I'm also really into playing Lego Batman that I just got a couple weeks ago.  I want to get to know the game a bit more so I can do a very quick run through in level 1 so I can give an idea of what it looks like without taking too long to do it.  YouTube allows 10 min, that's it.  If you don't know the level it may take an hour just to get through 1 level.

So, even though I have a lot of games to video tape I will do it soon.

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