Thursday, November 20, 2008

Biking Accident

I had a little accident on my bike today.  I was riding up a bridge standing up and all of a sudden the bike shifted gears and my leg slipped off the peddle and I fell on my left side which broke the handlebar bolt.  I had to call home to come pick me up then went to the E.R. and was told that I tore a muscle and I can't ride my bike for at least 4 weeks.

I'm not giving up on it though.  I'm sure it won't take a month because it's feeling good right now but maybe a week or 2 I can take it easy.  But I'm changing my bike route so I don't have to deal with any of the bridges at all to get to the bike path and back home.

It's frustrating that this happened because I've gotten myself into a routine and now that routine has been broken but I'm confident that when I can ride my bike again that routine will come back to me.

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