Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today I decided not to go bike riding because I wanted to give my legs a chance to rest since I've been going such a long distance.  Tomorrow I will be going out again.  I'm just not sure if it's worth riding 17 miles a day while I'm still in this stage of still getting used to riding a bike at all.  I mean it's only been a month and even though I've seen 8lbs of weight loss so far I'm not seeing very much weight loss even with 17 and 18 mile days.  It's nice to go a long distance to really step it up and everything but I just don't see the results.

Now I realize that by me saying that I'm saying that I'm giving up on going such a long distance and I don't want to say that but at the same time I think I can just do the 11 miles and get away with it for now.  I want to burn calories but not at the expense of causing myself pain and possible injury to my muscles.  I'm probably going to notice no weight loss at all this week and that's possibly because I'm building too much muscle in my legs causing me to gain muscle weight so I don't see the fat weight disappearing.

The first month was only 8lbs and normally I would be upset by that because 7lbs isn't a lot to lose in a month, that's 2lbs a week but at this point I'm just happy to not be in the 240's anymore.  Being in the mid 230's makes me feel that if I can get there then I can get to 220's and so on but it takes time, a lot of time.  I need to stop worrying about the scale and stop thinking about it too much.

Tonight I decided that since I was weighing myself as 238 which is more than last weeks weigh in by 1 calorie that I would start eating salads for dinner, just to give me smaller calories for that meal of the day.  Breakfast I've been eating toast and a yoplait, lunch a peanut butter and jam sandwich or a ham sandwich.  Actually I've been eating 2 sandwiches but I'm going to limit myself to just 1 from now on and as soon as I get more yoplait's on friday I'm going to limit my breakfast to just a yoplait.  I love coffee but I'm going to try to limit that too.  Chip bought me this whole big thing of creamer so it's going to be difficult to not be able to enjoy it.  I'm thinking for now coffee every other day.  I have been drinking a lot of water though so that helps big time.  Not the sparkling bottled water with flavor that Chip has been buying from Albertson's but just plain filtered water.

Well, I'm blogging this just before bed, I've taken my ambien already so I'm gonna go do the litter box then get in the shower and go to bed.

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