Sunday, November 23, 2008

Steam Cleaner

Today I was trying to clean the carpet in my room and the hallway because of the dog peeing all over the house and it just wouldn't work.  The hand held thingy with the hose worked, I mean releasing the water and soap but just using it as an upright it wasn't releasing any water.  I finally ended up just using the hand held thing to put the soapy water on the ground then used the upright part to scrub the carpet fibers and suck up the water.

The last time I used it I cleaned it and it was fine sitting in the coat closet near the front door.  It worked the last time I used it, I don't know why this time it didn't work.  I did everything the book said to do in the troubleshooting section.  I didn't do the living room yet because I have to pick up in there and that will take a bit more time, there is more furniture in there.  But when I do go to use it I hope it works for me.

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