Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cost of a fruit cake

I just cannot believe how much it costs to make a fruit cake.  Now I know why those things are so expensive.  Dang $51 so far and I still need eggs and margarine.  By the time I have all the rest of the ingredients it will be $55.  I just hope that it makes a whole lot of fruit cake.  It better.

I wanted to make it so bad because I can never find it in the stores and when I find it online it's so expensive.  A 1lb cake is $25.  I'm sure that I have about a 10lb cake so far lol.  I'm going to have to split it up into a few smaller ones because fruit cake doesn't have a very good reputation.  I bought these small loaf pans that have lids (disposible pans) and there are 3 in the pack so I can make 3 small.  I also have a regular size loaf pan which I'm going to start with then put the rest in the smaller ones.  I want to bring the small ones because I know that people are going to waste big slices if they don't like it and it's too expensive to throw away.

All I know is if I see 1 piece of fruit cake in the trash I'm gonna lose it lol.  Just kidding.  Maybe lol.


Barbara said...

When you give your fruitcakes, be sure to include a note: "A lot of love went into this fruitcake. If you don't wish to eat is, please regift, reuse, or recycle this fruitcake. It will make both of us happy."

Mike said...

Thanks, that is a very good idea. However I won't be giving them as gifts. I was told no gifts to anyone period so what I'm doing is just adding it to the dessert table. I bought these little loaf pans and when it gets to the table it will be sliced up so people can take their slice. If they want more then they can go for it but if not then no problem. I don't want to make them take a huge slice if they aren't sure about it so it will work out perfectly.

The only people that will ever get a fruit cake from me are my aunt Louise and uncle Ingo and only because I know for a fact that they like that type of thing.