Monday, December 01, 2008

Rosie Live...

Rosie Live... More like Rosie Dead.

When Rosie O'Donnell was doing movies I liked her.  She was a pretty good actress and a pretty funny comedienne too.  I really enjoyed watching her movies and stand up comedy.  Then she came out with her daytime talk show.  Chip and I watched it every single day, it was a standing appointment for us, we made sure we watched her show and we both laughed and we thought she was the greatest human being for all the things she did for people on her show.  She was constantly giving prizes away every episode.  Not just whenever but all the time.  She would shoot those things at the audience during the show and she was on top of the world.  Then all of a sudden she got tired of it and quit and basically handed it over to Ellen Degeneras.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love Ellen's show too but it's a different respect you know?  It wasn't as flamboyant as Rosies.  Like Rosie had the desk and it was covered with stuff.  Her set up was like the Tonight Show with the desk and chairs.

Then Rosie went on the View for a year.  Boy what a year that was.  All of a sudden she was pushing her views on everyone and not allowing anyone to disagree with her without her temper flaring out.  You know, it's one thing to have an opinion and feel strongly about it but when you get into a fight over your passion for it then it's no longer a talk show.  And remember, every action has a reaction.  Let's say for example the fight between Rosie and The Donald.  What was that all about?  I mean come on.  That year on The View basically ruined Rosie's career.

Now she started to go back to the fun days of having a variety hour show which I used to like in the 70's.  I loved the Osmond hour and the Sonny and Cher show.  I loved those shows.  I don't seem to remember the brady bunch variety hour.  It's a very vague memory.  And apparently so is the new Rosie Live show because after only a few episodes it's being canceled due to bad ratings.

I personally haven't seen it yet.  I don't even know what time it comes on.  I have a regular schedule of things that I like to watch every weekday and I think that her show cut into that time frame.  I hadn't planned on watching it though.

I did like Rosie so I don't want this to sound like I'm putting her down because I'm not.  I'm just saying that her actions on the view is what destroyed this new chance at a future career in this industry and in order for people to forgive and forget she's gonna have to do a lot of ass kissing and start apologizing for pushing her view on people who have their own opinions and are passionate about that.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I have views that I'm very passionate about like gay marriage.  I get so upset when I hear people telling me that I have no rights to get married just like a straight person does but I'm not going to let it rule me.  If straight people don't like me getting married they have that right to think that.  But I also have a right to tell them to shove it up their ass.

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