Sunday, January 11, 2009

Friendly Spam

Is there such thing as friendly spam?  I don't know, all I know is I much prefer spam fried and on bread with mayo.

I get a lot of emails every day advertising something like porn, penis enlargement, weight loss, and from various companies like Pepsi and Dairy Queen and even news emails from  I don't care for them, I just immediately delete them, that is if they don't find themselves in my spam folder.

If it wasn't bad enough getting those spam emails, I get tons of other spam from people that I know.  Friends send me spam constantly.  I get either petitions or chain letters and they are all guilting me into sending them to 10 or more people.  The petitions say that I have to sign my name at the end of the email then forward it to 10 people and those 10 people sign it and forward it.  First of all, those petitions don't do any good because they never get to who they are intended to go to and 2nd whoever they are sent to don't take them seriously.

The chain ones say if you don't send it out to 10+ people you will have bad luck.  I don't believe they will give me good or bad luck.  No voodoo priestess enchanted an email to give you good or bad luck OK.  There is no luck with chain letters or chain emails.

The spam I hate, really really hate are religious emails that friends and family send me.  Sometimes that's all they send me and when I email them they don't even respond to my emails at all so I start to wonder why I even have them in my address book at all.  Why don't I just block their emails from coming to me.  I hate religious emails.  It's like they are shoving their god or Jesus down my throat.  I don't send gay emails to everyone shoving homosexuality down their throats so what gives them the right to do that to me?

This one person who I met on the greyhound as I was going to visit my aunt in 2000 or something who I gave my email address to sends me nothing but religious emails and yesterday she spammed me with about 10 emails with all of her YouTube videos.  Yeah, I've seen them and they aren't new, I don't know why she feels the need to share them with me again.  One of them is a video of this guy in his 50's or 60's and he's sleeping with a laptop on his lap and he's sleeping sitting up but hunched over the computer and she's laughing and saying MySpace addict.  I didn't see MySpace up on the screen.  It was just the desktop with icons.  How does that make him a MySpace addict?  It just makes him a laptop addict.  That makes no sense to me so I don't even respond to it.

Frankly, I'm sick of getting emails from anybody because that's the only crap they send me.  I think there are 2 people who send me emails with conversation in them who I correspond with and that's it.  All the rest feel the need to spam me on a daily basis.  I don't mind the jokes or the puppy/kitty/baby pictures, those I love to see and the jokes and comic strips are really funny.  But don't shove god/chain/petitions down my throat unless you are prepared to get a 20 page email about homosexuality.


Ray Gernon said...

I hear you Mike! 20 page convert someone to homosexuality email! LOL! That would be funny. Well deserved by some people who just HAVE to push their views onto other people. I know some people want to save souls, but please! Keep it short and send a real conversational e-mail every once in a while too. I am not a homosexual so I will have to resort to some other reactive topic. Maybe EverQuest or Shakespeare. Can you imagine getting a 20 page reply to a religious e-mail that tries to convert you to read Shakespeare every night? heh heh.

Mike said...

I'm just shocked that someone actually read a blog of mine lol. It's usually me just rambling on about this or that lol.