Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rod Blagojevich Impeachment Trial

Rod Blagojevich knows he did something wrong by trying to sell Barack Obama's senate seat and he is being impeached.  He knows he's up shit creek without a paddle so he's trying to turn this whole trial around and make it look like these judges are asses for trying to impeach him for doing good things.

Such as his argument is that Bush changed the rules in Washington with health care and people in Illinois were without medical coverage so he helped them get their health care again and because of this I'm being impeached.

Elderly and infants needed flu shots and I worked hard to make sure those elderly and infants got their flu shots and because of this I'm being impeached.

LOL are you kidding me?  Uh, your'e not being impeached for that you ass.  You are being impeached for trying to sell a senate seat HELLO!  He just doesn't want to admit that what he did was wrong.  He wants to totally ignore the whole reason he is being impeached and make it look like he's being impeached for everything but that.  ASS!

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