Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Inappropriate Commercials

Some of these commercials are so inappropriate today.  I'm serious.  I mean, why do I have to hear about douching and penis enlargement and condoms and lube on my TV?

Just last night I saw a commercial for a vibrator.  Uh, excuse me?  Why are these commercials being played on regular TV?  Why can't they be played on TVs at the sex shoppes?  They also show commercials for cock pumps.  Hello?  WTF!  I don't want to see cock pumps and vibrators and penis enlargement pills commercials.

Why are we being bombarded with all this stuff?  When I was a kid in the 70's - 80's it was enough to have to endure maxi pad, tampon commercials.  I didn't even know what Summers Eve was all about because the women were always running through a field in slow motion.  I finally figured it out when I was a teenager what that was all about and I was like eww.

The worst moment to see these commercials is when you are sitting in a room with a family member like an aunt or your mom or your grandmother.  Or worse, you are a guy and you are seeing a commercial about lube or cock pumps and your kid is sitting there watching too.  Not only are you embarrassed but I'm sure they want to just crawl under a rock and die.

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