Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Changing Focus of Savings

I've realized that since Chip now works during the daytime and my tv programs are on at night that I probably will never see him again.  He hates all my tv shows so I watch them by myself in my bedroom while he watches his shows.

The only way for me to spend any time with him and be able to see my shows is to record them and watch them while he's at work.  But the problem I faced last night is that I created a program last night to record Chuck, Heroes and Medium but ended up watching them anyway since he was asleep but continued to record them.  This morning after he went to work I went to delete the file from the DVD-Ram disc and it was empty.  It didn't record at all.  That was frustrating.

Tonight I have 2 shows, Reaper at 8 on CW and Mentalist at 10 on CBS.  When Reaper is over I have to come in my room and change the cable box to channel 47 for CBS HD so it can record the Mentalist.  But I also have to come in and make sure it is recording.  Now if he is too tired to stay awake then I will come in here and watch.

My only issue is that on Wednesdays I watch Stargate SG-1 at 3pm on Sci-Fi HD (which is eastern time zone channel) then Ghost Hunters from 4pm-8pm then that one with Linda Blair at 9pm then at 10pm I switch to Comedy Central for South Park.  Actually I usually switch to NBC HD at 8pm for Knight Rider.  So Wednesdays are usually busy for me.

My new plan for the money I'm saving in PayPal is to buy a TiVo instead of a e-book reader.  I've always wanted a TiVo anyway and now I have a reason to buy one.  I'm going to wait until I get a widescreen tv though so I can get a HD TiVo.

An HD TiVo is only $200 and if I save $50 a month then it will only take 4 months to save up for it then I can just pay the monthly fee for the plan which is $13 a month.  No biggy.

I'm still going to save up for a e-book reader so maybe after I get a TiVo I'll continue saving for the next gen Kindle.

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