Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Prop 8

Tomorrow is the day that EQCA which stands for Equality California will stand before the Supreme Court to overturn Prop 8.  Nobody should be discriminated against and what Prop 8 does is it puts in the constitution that gay people SHOULD be discriminated against.  This starts with being told we can't get married but when does it end?  Next they will say gay people shouldn't be allowed to have jobs and make a living and have medical coverage then they will say that gay people have no right living in California.  When does it end?

Gay people have been around since the beginning of time and I don't want to hear any of this Adam and Steve BS because I don't believe in Adam and Eve.  I believe in evolution and I believe that gay people were born gay for a reason.  I don't know what that reason is, maybe it was for population control, who knows.  But it's not a choice and I'm so sick of hearing people calling it a choice and a lifestyle.  You don't call being straight a lifestyle choice because it's not a choice.  You are either gay or you are straight or you are bisexual.  There is no choice.  But the religious nuts are choosing to take away our freedom because they don't agree that we don't have a choice.

Here is a video from EQCA showing men in World War 2 in concentration camps with their pink triangles in 1938.  That shows that gay people have been persecuted along with the Jewish people in WWII.  And they show a picture of gay men being arrested in the 70's and Matthew Shepard who was beaten to death in 1998.


Here is a 4 min 25 second video talking about how Prop 8 is discriminating peoples rights to marry.


I don't care if you are gay or straight, nobody deserves to be told how to live their life.  It wasn't more than 50 or 60 years ago that people of different races weren't allowed to get married.  All gay people want is equal rights and not have their rights taken away from them.

Most of America passed the right to marry but California, the state with the most gay people is banning it?  How is that fair?  It's 2009, why are we going back in time to when it was OK to discriminate against people?  We should be moving ahead instead of stepping back.  Walk a mile in the shoes of a gay person then see how fair it is to be discriminated against.

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