Friday, April 03, 2009

Malawi Court Denies Adoption to Madonna

Malawi Court Denies Mercy to Madonna; Singer Files Appeal

I've been hearing this story on the news for the last few hours and I'm glad that Madonna was denied adoption.

I've been a hardcore Madonna fan since I was 14 years old but I'm sorry, I don't agree with her need to adopt children in third world countries.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  There are children in this country who need homes, who need a family, who just need someone to say "you are loved".  It's time for these big shot singers and movie stars to stop looking to other countries and start looking in their own back yard.

What is up with Angelina Jolie and Madonna?  I mean come on.  Give me a break.  Why are they doing this?  These little African and Philippino babies aren't trophies or pets, they are human beings who deserve to have a family who actually cares about them.

I love you Brad Pitt, you did a wonderful thing by saying you won't get married until EVERYONE in American can get married.  I love you Madonna, you touched my life with your personality and your singing.  But this has to stop.  Adopt some American children and give them all the opportunities that they will never ever have as long as they are stuck in orphanages.  If you want a trophy baby I'm sure you can find a crack baby somewhere in California or New York.

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