Monday, April 13, 2009

T-Minus 9 Hours

Hehe I'm counting down the time before I go out on the bike.  I'm really excited about finally being able to ride my bike again.  I really hope that I don't have any problems with the wheel.

If everything is ok then great.  But whether it goes bad or is all good I'm going to still return the wheel to the bike shop and see if they have the correct wheel.  If not then I'll see if they have the correct tire to go with that wheel.  I just don't want to have any issues with it. But I want to be positive about it and hope that it all goes well.

You know when it's going to be Christmas in the morning or you know that your parents are going to take you to Disneyland in the morning so you can't go to sleep because that's all you can think about?  That's how I feel right now.  I took an ambien because I know I won't be able to sleep.  Then again I have ADHD anyway so I know that I won't be able to sleep lol.  But you know, I'm real excited.

I am not so excited that I'm going to wear all my biking gear and clothes with shoes to bed so I can just wake up and run out the back door and not have to worry about putting on my helmet and backpack and sunglasses because they are already on.  No, I'm not THAT excited.  Just regular excited.

That last paragraph was for Sue who tried to make fun of me and I was a douche nozzle to her.  So there you go Sue.  I really hope you got a kick out of it.


Sue said...

SIGH....Naw ..not really But it was a great and wonderful effort! =D> It just sort of loss something LOLOL It's like ....well I don;t know anticipating that big Ice cream cone and then when you get it you realize your eyes where bigger than your stomach.... :| Hope things went well for you .... Oh wait it rained didn't it :( Bummer!

Mike said...

No it didn't rain. It looked like it was going to but then it cleared up before noon and then I was able to ride.