Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fly Problem

I don't know what it is about summer but all of a sudden there are fly's all over the kitchen window above the sink.  It's like that every year at this time.  When I go to take the dog out in the back yard I usually open the back door then we walk to the back gate and I let her out then I go back into the kitchen and close the door.  But even if I'm not opening the door they come in through the front door when we answer the door or when we are coming or going.

So about a week ago I was sitting in my room watching tv and the saying "you catch more fly's with Honey than you do with Vinegar" came into my head.  I wasn't thinking about the fly's so I don't know where that came from but it was like all of a sudden a light bulb turned on above my head.

I went into the kitchen and we had these honey packets from KFC from awhile ago that we never used, yes I'm the guy who saves ketchup packets and all the other "packets" lol.  Anyway, I put some on a napkin (yes, from Taco Bell lol) and put it on the ledge above the kitchen sink and left it.  Well, after a few days the honey had soaked into the napkin so you couldn't even tell it had any honey on it, it just looked wet.

I threw the honey napkin away like 2 days ago and cleaned the honey off the tiles.  During the entire time I had that honey sitting there it was like all the fly's had disappeared from existance.  They were gone.  None of them took the bait and landed on the honey and got stuck but they just disappeared.  That's why I removed the honey but it's been 2 days, the fly's are back in full force.  So, I went to look for more honey packets to put on a little plate but we didn't have any more, I'd used the last 2 but we did have some syrup.

Yes, I know what you are going to say, ants... well, they didn't come when the honey was there so hopefully they won't show up for the syrup lol.  But since I put the syrup out about maybe 10 minutes ago all the fly's are gone again.  It's almost as if they were offended by it or something lol.

Oh speaking of fly's lol have you heard on the news about Obama killing a fly during an interview and then PETA came out against him saying he murdered an innocent fly on TV lol.  OMG hilarious.  They said he should've used this thing called Katcha Bug which is a stick with a little pyramid looking dome that you catch the fly in then set it free outside lol.  Ok whatever you say PETA.  I believe that dogs, cats, birds, elephants, lions, tigers and bears oh my all have souls but I mean come on, who freakin cares about a house fly whose life cycle is only 15-25 days anyway.  Who cares, KILL EM!

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