Friday, August 21, 2009

Trouble Sleeping

I took an Ambien sometime around 11pm tonight but I'm still awake.  Some nights my brain is just working overtime and I can't sleep for some reason.  I have ADHD so combine that with a full pot of coffee in the morning, some soda throughout the day (diet soda so no sugar) plus just general food with it's grease and sugars in it and you got a guy who can't sleep at night unless he takes a sleeping pill lol.

So I went into the kitchen and made myself a shot of Rum but that didn't do anything lol.  So I decided to take another half a sleeping pill so hopefully that will work soon.  I'm yawning but that doesn't mean anything.  I yawned about 20 times when I was still laying in bed trying to sleep and yet here I sit at the computer.

You know what I think would be cool for nights like this?  Have a doctor give you one of those shots with that white stuff, you know, just before you get an operation.  Then tell you to count down from 100 and by the time you get to 98 you are already sleeping lol.

Then I'll be able to wake up early in the morning and can start my day off at 6am instead of at 12pm which is what it's looking like for me at this point lol.  It's 2:43am, yeah I'm wakin up at noon lol.

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