Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Finally a Color e-book

Asus: Cheap, full color e-reader by the end of the year - Source

Finally e-readers are in full color and are coming down in price.  Asus is coming out with their Eee reader by the end of the year for only $164.  Now you're talkin'.  Color and cheap.

Unfortunately, I don't see e-paper, it looks like LED screens lit up.  The whole point of an e-book is so that your book doesn't blind you and that it looks like real paper.  The Amazon Kindle reads like real paper and you can even read it in the sun.  This being an LED may not be easy to see outside in the daylight.

Although it would be neat just to be able to say hey I got an e-book reader and it's in color, I think I'll wait just a bit longer for color e-ink.

I like Amazon's whole thing because you can buy your book directly from the Kindle and it downloads within 60 seconds.  There is no USB cord to the computer and you can buy your book anywhere, not being limited to your computer area.  I would like to be at my Aunt's house and have her tell me that I should read a specific book then say ok let me look it up.  There I go I just bought it and oh wait, I can read it now.  Sorry but that trumps color.

I'm also not so sure about the 2nd window.  What's that all about?  I mean, you can only read 1 page at a time so why use power for 2 screens?  They said on that you can look at a website on the right screen while you read a book on the left screen or you can use the right screen as sort of a keyboard then use your e-book reader as a laptop.  I'm not sure about all that.  It sounds cool but how much of a battery am I really getting with this thing?  I highly doubt I'm getting 1 week worth of book reading fun.  Maybe a few hours at the most?  What fun is that?  When I really get into a book I can be reading for up to 8 or 10 hours before my eyes are like whoa doggy, give me a break here.

Edit: I said LCD but that's what a watch screen is right?  Liquid Crystal Display.  A monitor is LED right?  I also read that it will have a webcam and a mic and the ability to use Skype.  I gave this a 8 out of 10 but I'm changing my mind.  I think this deserves a full 10.  Since it works just like a laptop perhaps it might have a bigger hard drive.  I think it would be more like a netbook than a laptop so I think it's worth it for the price.  It's time to start making out my wish list to Santy Claus lol.

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