Saturday, September 05, 2009

Reality Hell

I watched this show today on E! called Reality Hell.  I've never seen it but it was hilarious.

This woman was put on what she thought was a dating show where there were other female contestants competing to win the affection of the guy and finally win the prize of being in a relationship with him.  Well after awhile they added 2 guys to the mix and then finally at the end at a dinner in a restaurant they brought in his ex named Stacey but Stacey was a guy lol.

At the very end the ex-boyfriend Stacey revealed to her that she was on Reality Hell and then laughter ensued.

What if you've never seen Reality Hell?  How would you know it was a joke if you'd never seen it before?

Well luckily she knew it was all a joke and she had a good laugh about it.

I liked it, it was funny.

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