Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Whitney Houston Comeback Failure?

They were talking on the news about how Whitney Houston's comeback was a failure because she was losing her voice.  She did apologize but she blamed it on Oprah lol.  She said that she did an interview with Oprah and she talked so much during the interview that she lost her voice.


She didn't sound too bad and I don't understand what the problem is.  Most singers can't sing live anyway lol.  It always sounds better on the CD (or mp3).

I loved her in the 80's, I had 2 of her CD's from way back when, I even have them on my Dell DJ to this day.  I don't listen to it that often but it's fun to hear when I'm into it.

I am glad that she is out of that whole drug thing though.  It makes me happy and good for her for making a come back.

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