Friday, October 17, 2008

Bike Lights

When I was 16 my parents bought me a bicycle so I can get to work a lot easier and they won't have to drive me.  The bike was a cruiser bike and since I would be riding at night I would need lights and all I can remember is that I thought my stepdad was so cheap by buying me the kind with a generator.  I didn't need batteries because it generated light as I rode.  However, if you think about it, this is probably a very good idea because batteries cost a lot of money.

If you buy lights that are rechargable they are very expensive.  Yeah the lighting is a lot brighter and probably better but they cost a lot of money.  And I'm talking $200+.

I have been looking for this light with generator for awhile and I can't find it anywhere.  Bike Nashbar doesn't have it, neither do any of the other well known online bike stores.  Target, Walmart, sporting good stores, Sniders etc.  Nobody has it.

I found it on ebay for $49.  Wow.  What a deal.  I have to wait 2 weeks before I can buy it but I'm going to get it when I get some money.  Here is a picture.

I don't plan on riding at night unless I need something from the store and I need to get there fast but what I do plan on doing is riding early in the morning.  I'm talkin 5am early.  Yeah at 6am it's still dark but there are cars out on the road that early.  I'd rather get out at 5am.  This way I can get in as much bike time as I can without any traffic and any pedestrians.  I want to get my exercise in without any dangers of getting hit by a car hehe.  I haven't been on the streets in over a decade and I've already made a couple of mistakes and I need to relearn the rules of the road before I go back out there with the cars.  I think getting to where I need to would be a lot faster with no traffic too.

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