Friday, October 17, 2008

Missed Appointment

On September 30th I had a follow up appointment with the neurologist for my carpel tunnel syndrome but since we were in San Diego I called the doctors office and rescheduled my appointment for today at 12:00pm.  Well, at 2:20pm I realized I had missed my appointment.  My main concern was that they charge you for missed appointments.

I called them to ask if there was a way that I could still make it and they said no, the doctor doesn't take patients past 12.  So I then asked how much this was going to cost me.  I was put on hold for about 1 or 2 minutes.  She came back and said that I wasn't even on the computer for today.  WHEW!!!

I don't know how much that would've cost me but I do know that I couldn't pay it right now.  She rescheduled me for November 20th so it's going to be some time that I have to wait.  On the bright side my carpel tunnel syndrome isn't that bad.  My hands still get numb when I'm playing with my PSP or riding my bike for a long period of time, then again they get numb after 10 min of riding my bike so it's not that long.  Oh well, I got a month heh.

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