Friday, October 31, 2008

Ghost Hunters Halloween Live

This is the 3rd annual live episode of Ghost Hunters.  It's a 7 hour investigation beginning at 7pm and ending at 2am.  The following wednesday night episode will be a follow up to show the results of all the EVP and videos from the cameras and the flir.

Tonight the team revisits Fort Delaware in Delaware City to probe the former Civil War post. Guests Amanda Tapping and Mike "The Miz" Mizanin join the hunt. Hosts: Josh Gates and Steve Valentine.

So far after the first 6 minutes they already starting having issues with production.  All of a sudden the screen went snowy bringing back old memories of before cable was invented and you had to fiddle with the "rabbit ears".  Also when Josh Gates was talking to Amanda Tapping and The Miz you couldn't hear them talking.  You could hear Josh but not the other 2.  You could hear a lot of Josh's voice echoing though and hearing Amanda talking sounded like an EVP, you could barely understand what she was saying.  The only people who were able to get what she said were lip readers.

It took about 45 minutes before they actually started doing their investigation which is fine because they showed the tour of the property and they showed how they got there which looks like it must've cost a lot of money, like you could probably buy a decent house in a rich neighborhood for the amount of money that they spent.

Once they went in the camera started messing up and they had just started.  It kept freezing up.  They could've switched over to Steve just until they got it all squared away but they kept going hoping it would clear up which eventually it did.

I also noticed on the Flir that they are 13 minutes ahead of us which means someone set the clocks ahead.  Of course I'm on the west coast so they are 3 hours ahead so it isn't live for me but still, they were 13 min ahead for the east coasters too.

The cameras are messing up again.  It just happens to Jay and Grant but I think it's because of the walls of where they are walking through.  They are after all in the dungeons.  You can't expect good quality video down there.

Edit:  Sci-Fi channel keeps popping up these ads at the bottom of the screen.  Now I realize they won't be showing a lot of commercials like they normally would, 15 - 17 min of commercials per hour, but the pop up's are starting to get annoying.  I mean, they could make them smaller.  They take up 1/4 of the screen at the bottom every few minutes.  It reminds me of pop up ads on the internet except I can't click them off.

I've stayed up for the entire 7 hour investigation despite the fact that I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep.  I am sooooo tired lol.  I made a pot of coffee about 2 hours ago and of course I ran out of equal and sugar so this is my last cup.  There is only 20 more minutes left of the show so I'm going to tape my eyelids open, I got the tooth picks on hold just in case lol.

So far all that has happened is a strong authoritative male voice telling Jay and Grant "You aren't supposed to be here".  That's all that I've noticed so far.  Josh said there were some other sounds like footsteps and knocking but I didn't hear it.  I can't wait to see the episode on Wednesday that will reveal all the evidence they found.

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