Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kindle Comic Books?

I wonder if someone can respond to this.  I'm very curious about Comic Books being available on the Kindle 2.  I know that some comic books are full size like magazines so you have a larger page and if it's shrunk down for the kindle will it be harder to read.  Or perhaps if it is available for the Kindle, will you only get 1 box at a time,  What about the bigger boxes that take up the whole page of the comic book?  That will definitely be harder to read.  Maybe it would have a zoom?  Or does the Kindle 2 have zoom?

I think it would be a cool idea to have comic books available on your Kindle.  If someone googles Comic Book with the word Kindle please respond to this if you find this post and let me know what you think.  Is this going to be available?  Would you like it to become available or is it just better to have them in paper form for their value in the future?

Just so that I don't look like a complete moron, I went to Amazon and searched for comic books and found this Serenity, Vol. 1: Those Left Behind [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback).  I see that it's not available for Kindle so I clicked the "I'd like to read this on Kindle" link.  Yeah, I know, I don't have a kindle yet but I've been clicking that for a lot of books just so they do become available.  At some point I'd like to get one, some day.  But that Serenity book says paperback but it is a comic book.

I looked up Spiderman comic books and they all say paperback and they all have the "I'd like to read this on Kindle" link.


Jonathan said...


Just throwing down a "me too." I own a Kindle 2 and would love to see more graphic content available for it. Can you see a Comics section in your Kindle-delivered newspaper? I sure can.


Mike said...

The comics in the newspaper are usually black and white anyway, except Sunday so that doesn't bother me that it's in black and white on the Kindle as much. But, what I'd like is to buy regular comic books like Spiderman for example for a color e-reader but the screen would definitely have to be a lot bigger. Let's hope the Kindle 3 will have a bigger screen with a touchscreen feature allowing you to turn pages by dragging your finger across the screen like they have for the iPhone. And a touchscreen keyboard too. And add color lol. I don't want much do I hehe.