Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Believe or Deny

I know this falls under the category of something I don't like to talk about but this is just something that has been bothering me for such a long time.

Why do people believe in something that has never been scientifically proven but yet they deny something that has been scientifically proven?

The people in the middle east deny the holocaust yet there are pictures, it's in the history books.

Some people deny the dinosaurs because of their religious beliefs.  Hello!  Dinosaurs have been dug up.  They aren't Styrofoam bones you know, they are real bones.  They weren't faked.  Some people think they were faked but what would that prove?  Science has proven that the earth was hot and had to cool did it not?  I'm not an expert but I have seen a few documentaries on the Discovery channel about the big bang theory (no, not the TV show although I do like that one hehe).  But just because the dinosaurs were not in the bible doesn't mean they never existed.

Some people deny the existence of ghosts.  There is indeed scientific proof of the existence of the afterlife.  I watch Ghost Hunters every Wednesday on Sci-Fi channel and they have absolutely caught voices of children, voices of confederate soldiers, voices in other languages (GHI) plus there have been images from the thermo-cam that shows heat.

Speaking of which, I was sitting in my desk chair and Chip was laying in my bed and he asked if our cat jumped on the bed and I looked and said no, she's out on the patio.  Then I said did you feel like a cat jumped up on the bed and is walking around and he said yes.  His eyes were closed.  I've felt that so many times.  I've even blogged about our ghost cats.

Yet even though all these things have been proven, the religious people whether they are Muslims (who deny the holocaust) or born again Christians (who deny dinosaurs and ghosts) absolutely will not believe in them yet they believe in a god that they have never laid eyes upon or have never had any scientific proof of "it's" existence.  How can you deny something that is proven yet worship and swear by something that has never been proven?  I don't understand where the logic is in that.

There has been discussion about how you can't see god but you know he's there.  You can't see the air but you know it's there.  You can't see space but you know it's there.  Uh, actually, yes you can.  That again has been proven.  You absolutely can see space through telescopes.  You can see the stars, planets, galaxies.  That's another thing, people absolutely deny that aliens from other planets might exist.  Are people that arrogant to think that of all the galaxies and of all the planets in those galaxies that we are the only living breathing thinking beings out there?

I believe in ghosts, dinosaurs, the holocaust and aliens.  I'm sorry if that upsets people but that's the truth.

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