Friday, March 27, 2009

Bubble on the Sun

Yesterday I was thrown into a total panic.  Just before Chip went to work he told me about this story he saw on the news about this bubble that is on the sun and that by 2012 there will be a solar flare that will knock out all the satellites and will end all life as we know it.

Now, when you hear this what comes to mind?  I've watched the Nostradamus specials on the history channel and the discovery channel all telling that he stopped writing about what will happen in the future so they think that since there is nothing after November 2012 that it will be the end of the world.  Basically judgment day right?  Well, when Chip told me that the sun will "end life as we know it" it put me into a total panic.

I was thinking all day that you know, there's nothing we can do about it.  There is no way we can fill up a spaceship and board it with all the humans and animals and leave because we don't have one yet.  Stargate SG-1 is just a TV show, not a reality.  The government can't just start gathering people and animals and take them to Colorado and bring them to the Stargate and put them on another planet.  It's not real.

The government might have some contacts with aliens from other worlds and contact them and ask for their assistance to find us a new planet and come beam us up Scotti and take us to our new planet.  But I highly doubt they know any aliens and if they did they'd probably want to eat us.

Chip calls on his lunch break and by then my world is in complete chaos.  In my head people are running in the streets looting stores and turning over cars.  Digging underground bunkers which would do no good if the earth blew up.  I asked him what he was talking about.

He said that the ozone layer wouldn't be enough to protect the satellites and they would basically turn off or be disrupted or something.  That the electrical grids would probably shut off too and we would be thrown back in time by 100 years, not literally but as far as our technology.  The earth is not doomed to destruction and Jesus is not coming to claim the souls lol.

WHEW!  Basically we wouldn't have satellite TV or radio and they would have to find a way of repairing the satellites and/or replacing them and they would have to work on fixing the electric grids to turn our power back on.  We probably wouldn't have cell communication or email or tv or whatever.  We would have to start reading again and the stores would have to use their brains to sell things instead of a cash register because no electricity and all...  And all the food would go bad because they need power to keep cold.

But, time will tell what will happen.  Perhaps they will have it all figured out by then and they will have Solar panels more in play than they do now for grocery stores and any other business.  People will be able to afford solar panels for their houses.  I need that because of my bipap machine.  If I have no electricity then I'm going to die because I have to sleep with a mask pushing air into my lungs, no air = no life.  I die.  So this isn't good for me.  Unless I can lose 75lbs in the next 4 years I'm pretty much screwed.  That is if the fat is what is causing sleep apnea.  I don't know that it is or it isn't.

At any rate, now is a good time as any to start taking this diet seriously.  I mean, dead seriously if you know what I mean.  Maybe if I can lose all this weight then I won't need the bipap machine anymore.  That's 1 less dependant.

As far as my electronics are concerned.  I have a little solar charger that I can plug into my electronics to charge their batteries.  They also sell backpacks that have a solar charger on them so you can charge things so while I'm riding my bike I can be charging things like my mp3 player, PSP and Kindle (if I have one by then).  If the cell phones don't work then it won't matter if my cell phone is charged up or not.

If the TVs don't let us see TV anymore then we can all start talking to each other again and read books and maybe the kids can go outside and play and get skinny again.  Perhaps this would be good for humanity to shed all these pounds of fat.  If the kids can't play with their PlayStation 6 anymore because there is no electricity then they can go play Basketball 2.0.  I mean, that's why people have back yards right?

Maybe the bike trails will be packed with people and they will have to turn it into a 4 lane bike trail instead of it's 2 lane bike trail.  Who knows.

All I know is that 4 years isn't too far off.  Yeah it might seem like it is to some people but I'm 38, going on 39 in a couple of months.  These last 4 decades have gone by too fast so 4 years is nothing to me.  4 years can come in the blink of an eye so be prepared for it.


Joy said...

Enjoyed the read! :lol:

Mike said...

Hehe thanks. I have a huge imagination sometimes lol.