Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is 17 Mature Enough for Plan B?

There is a new debate about the age limit being lowered from 18 to 17 for buying the Plan B pill without a prescription.  They are asking if age 17 is mature enough to buy this new drug.  This drug "Plan B" is meant to prevent a pregnancy within the first 72 hours.  It is not an abortion pill but merely a preventative measure against pregnancy.

I think that if a 17 year old is mature enough to spread her legs and have unprotected sex with a boy, whether it be consensual or non-consensual, then she is mature enough to buy this over the counter and not need to go to the doctors office and have to get her parents permission.  I mean come on, by the time it takes you to get the courage enough to tell your parents that you had sex then you have to wait for the appointment (that is if you don't go in as a walk-in) a week will have gone by and by then it's too late.  You can only take this within the first 72 hours for it to work.

Do you really want there to be more 17 year old mothers in the world?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  I mean, come on, Maury Povich has cornered the market on finding out who the baby daddy is when it comes to girls who are 12 years old all the way to adulthood.  If a 12 year old is mature enough to get pregnant I think she should be allowed to buy this too so I think that 17 is way mature enough.

The debate shouldn't be is a 17 year old mature enough but instead it should be how can we make sure all teenagers who are old enough to have sex get this pill?

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