Sunday, March 08, 2009

Cell Phone Popcorn

I was just sent this video that shows these people with cell phones sitting in a circle on a table with about 5 or 6 pieces of pre-popped popcorn and they each call their perspective cell phones and all of a sudden these pieces of corn just start popping.  Then they show another group doing it then another group doing it all getting the same results, popcorn.


However, I went to YouTube so I can get the video so I can embed it in here much easier than just putting in a link and I found this one instead.  It's from a radio show called "The Regular Guys" on 100.5 FM in Atlanta, Georgia.  They try the same thing but get no results.  I don't know if it's because one of the cell phones was vibrating away from the corn or not but the corn did not pop thus debunking this myth.


There is a spoof video of these guys trying it with a steak.  Check it out it's so funny.


I went to to get the whole truth about this and it's false.  The snopes page that I actually went to was about cooking an egg with a cell phone but towards the bottom of the page they showed these videos about popcorn.  They show a CNN news story where they talk to the guy who created these videos for a blue tooth company who basically made this up to sell his product and these stunts are all for a commercial.  Not meant to scare people but meant as a joke and to sell their product.


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