Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Steve Wilkos Show

The episode of Steve Wilkos show called "He beat me in my sleep" was just on and it was about this young, very young couple who are 18 and 19 years old with a 1 year old baby.  The boyfriend admitted to beating his girlfriend in her sleep because he was mad at her.  What?  What the hell was he mad at for?  Did she pull the covers off of him?  Did she snore too loud?  What could possibly make this guy beat his girlfriend while she slept?  She ended up going to the hospital with a black eye, split lip, concussion, bruises all over.  And yet she didn't leave him.

At the beginning of the episode, the girlfriend told a story of how he beats their 1 year old son.  One morning the 1 year old threw the hair brush into the toilet and he got beat for that.  He's a frickin' 1 year old douche bag!  That's what 1 year old's do, they throw things.  They don't even know they are doing it.

He said that he beats his baby or spanks his baby to teach him but a 1 year old isn't going to remember any lesson about anything because he's ONE!

In the first segment, the girlfriend was asked by Steve, if he doesn't pass his lie detector test are you going to leave him and she said I suppose I have to but then at the very end of their half of the show he gave her a choice.  Either walk through the door that her abusive boyfriend walked through or go through this other door and have a lifetime of friendship and help with me and she walked through the door to go to her boyfriend.  What the hell did she even go on the show for?  What a complete waste of time for Steve, for the audience, for me...  And what lesson is being learned here?  Because I'll bet you anything that as soon as they left and went back to the hotel or wherever, he beat her for bringing him on the show.'

You know, this guy totally reminds me of my step-dad when I was a baby.  He met my mom when I was 18 months old and basically moved in right away, they didn't even know each other and he moved in.  He assumed the role of dad to me and my sister and of course with the dad role that meant child beater role too.  He would beat me in front of my aunts, uncles and grandparents to show dominance.  To show who the alpha male was.  He was trying to show them how tough he was and all he showed was how much of a coward he was.  And these times he would beat me in front of other people, my aunt told me that I was just sitting there, not doing anything.  I totally didn't deserve that but he did it anyway to me.

I am so sick of coward men beating women and children but what I'm mostly sick of are women who stay with these men because they are not just hurting themselves, they are also hurting their young children who don't deserve to be involved in that abuse.  That is when I say that not only is that guy a coward but that girl is a coward as well and their child should be taken away from them and put into foster care.  He would be better off with another family.


Tobias said...

Steve WIlkos is a douche.

Mike said...